Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration
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Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration  

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Topic starter answered:
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

But calibration should account for that 1mm difference (i.e. rattling on the top). Since you couldn't do that properly so far, you're off. The mount being one millimeter off shouldn't matter.

This is probably not going to work, but some random thing I'd give a shot:

When making the x axis level, there should be a 1mm discrepancy to the top on one side. Print a 1mm thick , 5mm wide and about 30-40mm long bar with 100% infill. Attach it with some double sided tape on top that side's Z axis sliding part to account for the difference. It should cause the slider to hit the screws of the top part a bit earlier. Thinking about the scenario and misalignment, this should adjust the issue.

Wouldn't turning it by hand help? Because now my Z axis is perfectly perpendicular by turning the left by hand till the bubble level is "perpendicular", with the same supersquish on the left effect. Bed is also perfectly perpendicular. I don't get it anymore. I ripped the felt pads, I use a very heavy and straight oak table, which is perfectly perpendicular. I don't see what can be wrong anymore...

Napsal : 04/05/2017 5:56 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

In theory it should actually be enough. How about trial and error and see what the Z calibration tells you?

Napsal : 04/05/2017 6:04 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

In theory it should actually be enough. How about trial and error and see what the Z calibration tells you?

I will just try raising the left axis and also use JeffJordan's firmware.

Napsal : 04/05/2017 6:18 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

No dice. I could hear my extruder crying.


time to fully disassemble frame and Z axis from Y assembly and measure the frame.

Napsal : 04/05/2017 6:38 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

Rebuilt the printer in the time between my last reply. Results are in:

Everything is perpendicular. Left side of the bed is even worse. 😐 I am closing to just putting it into the closet.

Napsal : 04/05/2017 9:29 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

... I am closing to just putting it into the closet.
you mean "closet" in the sense of enclosure or housing.... or in the sense of water closet (toilet) ?
would make a big difference :mrgreen:

💡 anyway, another idea that came into my mind with your "left edge problem":
might it be that your cable trunk for the printbed bends up the left edge a little bit ?
there is not much force needed to lift the edge for a few tenth µm.
➡ this could easily be possible if you've turned the whole printbed during the assembly for 360°, related to the position when you attached the cable harness to the electronics case. if your harness is very stiff assembled, this could then lead to a torsion force applied to the printbed through the cable trunk and the connector.... either up- or downwards, depending on the direction in which you've swapped your printbed.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 04/05/2017 10:21 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

... I am closing to just putting it into the closet.
you mean "closet" in the sense of enclosure or housing.... or in the sense of water closet (toilet) ?
would make a big difference :mrgreen:

💡 anyway, another idea that came into my mind with your "left edge problem":
might it be that your cable trunk for the printbed bends up the left edge a little bit ?
there is not much force needed to lift the edge for a few tenth µm.
➡ this could easily be possible if you've turned the whole printbed during the assembly for 360°, related to the position when you attached the cable harness to the electronics case. if your harness is very stiff assembled, this could then lead to a torsion force applied to the printbed through the cable trunk and the connector.... either up- or downwards, depending on the direction in which you've swapped your printbed.

I meant "closet" as a wardrobe. I am quite exhausted by now. It is taking me a week to make it work and I don't yet see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I did watch so many livestream builds and people built them even with "severely skewed" axis, but Z still worked no problem...

The bed cables don't seem to be lifting the bed, I use minimum tolerance IGUS bearings.

Can it be the PINDA height? How come it cannot handle the 1mm height difference....

Napsal : 04/05/2017 10:36 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

...Can it be the PINDA height? How come it cannot handle the 1mm height difference....
the range of the pinda's sensitivity is very wide. some are very sensitive... others nearly deaf. i've encountered this at my i3/mk2 clone, where i used a genuine pinda spare part from prusa. that fellow was very short sighted and triggered only between 0.6 and 0.7mm above the calibration points... so there was neither a decent height difference for the nozzle nor room for an uneven printbed itself.
but i figured out that the sensitivity of the probe is a function of it's supply voltage and used it as an advantage at my design.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 04/05/2017 11:18 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

Nope, PINDA setup didn't change anything. I had a probe Live-Z of -400 before, now I have it close to -900 but still it's very messed up.


Napsal : 04/05/2017 11:42 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

I shit you not guys. It was the PINDA. 😡 I adjusted it a bit so my Live-Z is ridiculous now, -850 and with minimal bed level corrections everything works fine.

Fuck. 😐

(I still need to play around with bed level correction. This was WITHOUT any.)

Napsal : 05/05/2017 10:09 am
New Member
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

Hi Murloc992, great you got it working, is the test pattern you used available for download ?

Napsal : 06/05/2017 12:42 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

Hi, it's nothing fancy. I can attach the file to use with PLA.

Just copy the contents into a .gcode file. I cannot seem to attach gcode files to the forums..

Napsal : 06/05/2017 6:12 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

I shit you not guys. It was the PINDA. 😡 I adjusted it a bit so my Live-Z is ridiculous now, -850 and with minimal bed level corrections everything works fine.
Awesome. But if you dare, this sounds like you might want to move it by half a millimeter or so. 😀

I'm still a bit confused how that could screw everything up. Or any chance it wasn't sitting properly and *somehow* wobbled based on the position? Can't imagine how that would be possible, but still… Your probe's cable has a small loop as suggested, right?

Napsal : 07/05/2017 10:21 am
Active Member
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

I shit you not guys. It was the PINDA. 😡 I adjusted it a bit so my Live-Z is ridiculous now, -850 and with minimal bed level corrections everything works fine.

Fuck. 😐
(I still need to play around with bed level correction. This was WITHOUT any.)

Can you post an image how your PINDA looks like?

Napsal : 07/05/2017 12:07 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Cannot get Z axis "perfectly horizontal" during XYZ calibration

I shit you not guys. It was the PINDA. 😡 I adjusted it a bit so my Live-Z is ridiculous now, -850 and with minimal bed level corrections everything works fine.
Awesome. But if you dare, this sounds like you might want to move it by half a millimeter or so. 😀

I'm still a bit confused how that could screw everything up. Or any chance it wasn't sitting properly and *somehow* wobbled based on the position? Can't imagine how that would be possible, but still… Your probe's cable has a small loop as suggested, right?

Yup, there is a loop.I shit you not guys. It was the PINDA. 😡 I adjusted it a bit so my Live-Z is ridiculous now, -850 and with minimal bed level corrections everything works fine.

Fuck. 😐
(I still need to play around with bed level correction. This was WITHOUT any.)

Can you post an image how your PINDA looks like?


Napsal : 07/05/2017 12:40 pm
Stránka 3 / 3