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Calibration/Printing issues  

New Member
Calibration/Printing issues

I built my prusa i3 1.75mm kit 2 weeks ago and I'm really enjoying it, but I'm seeing some weirdness when I print. I've looked through the visual troubleshooting guide and haven't found these issues described, but I apologize if I'm posting common stuff that I should be able to find answers do (I've tried all my Google-fu and failed so far).

I was able to print a PLA 20mmx20mm cube nicely, so I'm pretty confident my bed is level (also went through all the steps of leveling the bed several times) but when I try to print anything larger, after a few layers I start to get globs of filament, as pictured.

On the first layer of a larger footprint print, the middle of one side of the bed didn't get much filament layed down, like the corners of the bed were level but the sides weren't perfectly flat if that makes sense. Looking at the glass, it seems to bow away from the heated bed on that side, not sure if that is related, or what the solution would be to a warped bed/glass?

Appreciate any suggestions anyone has!

Posted : 16/09/2015 6:12 am
New Member
Re: Calibration/Printing issues

I have seen the something on my bed. It turned out the wires going to the bed was resting on the frame by the Left Rear Screw just a little. Moved the wires and everything seemed fine. Some other things I found out is that the glass is not on the wires or the solder and your Z-Axis gap is even on both sides, all of this can lift the glass and make it uneven and bad printing.

Posted : 11/11/2015 5:11 pm