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Honorable Member
Re: Bananas

Small parts print reasonably well with ABS on the Prusa I3. Larger parts are often a challenge! But can be done. but often fail. I suspect the uneven temp of the heated bed and oven type environment required with ABS.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 13/05/2016 4:28 am
Honorable Member
Re: Bananas

Surprise, surprise.......The new MK2 Prusa I3 recently announced has a better heated bed with more even temperature profile! Along with other solutions/mods.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 17/05/2016 3:32 am
Honorable Member
Re: Bananas

Perhaps Paolo was right.

All that was needed here was acknowledgement from Prusa Research of our often derided issues of the Mk1 Prusa I3 1.75mm , from some newbies, and more knowlegable people, like me and Paolo, by some entrenched regular posters and so called knowlegdeable people here. (maybe in the loop ;)) That denied or derided our comments,. ie Peter. This support forum has been neglected by Prusa Research. Supposedly most issues are solved by the recently launched Mk2 Prusa I3 1.75mm printer.

Communication is the key.

I hope the Prusa3d research forums are relaunched with proper admin soon.
If not please delete this forum. As it maybe not fit for purpose. ie True discussion.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 17/05/2016 3:44 am
Trusted Member
Re: Bananas

Surprise, surprise.......The new MK2 Prusa I3 recently announced has a better heated bed with more even temperature profile! Along with other solutions/mods.
It was actually known since many months ago that Josef was working on creating a heated bed with a more even temperature though!


Opublikowany : 17/05/2016 11:03 am
Honorable Member
Re: Bananas

@ hofftairi Thanks for reply hofftari. The thing is this is not well known here. A sticky that covers FAQ's would be good. I have only been here a few weeks and get great prints with my Mk1 Prusa I3. I will however buy the upgrade kit. I would have waited a month if I had known. Shame really. People in the know, should share and communicate, for us recent new owners of a genuine Prusa I3 printer.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 19/05/2016 2:56 am
Member Moderator
Re: Bananas


The only ones that had knowledge of a release date work for Prusa Research. It has been known more broadly that Josef was working on a new printer once the "Original i3" was released. He himself posted (I believe on Instagram) about some of the things he was working on.

He is gracious enough to offer those that have purchased in the last 4 weeks or so to purchase the upgrade at a substantially reduced rate. He didn't have to do that.

My suggestion to you would be to just let it go.

Opublikowany : 19/05/2016 4:44 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Bananas

@richard.i Thanks for your comment. Duly noted and I will move on. I am a happy Prusa I3 owner, I get wonderful prints.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 21/05/2016 3:32 am
Josef Průša
Member Admin
Re: Bananas

Hi from MakerFaire bay area. I will be back in office on thursday.

ABS will be always tough to print, even we fight with it sometimes in our enclosed print farm with 40°C air and no draft. Also remember different ABS blends will work differently, the one we sell is chosen to have least smell, but is little more "warpy". Others have better layer bonding and less warping, but smell really bad.

If you want to print bigger stuff and PLA has too low temp resistanc. Try Colorfabb nGen from my tests, it seems like awesome material made directly for 3D printing.

ABS will slowly fade away.

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Opublikowany : 21/05/2016 5:20 am
Honorable Member
Re: Bananas

@josef Colorfabb Ngen is great. I have had wonderful experience with it. On other printers 2.85 mm. I even ordered some 1.75mm Ngen from Holland direct for my genuine Prusa I3, the roll was 2KG lol 🙂

However colorfabb is difficult to get in the 1.75mm variant, not much choice of where to buy or colours!

I agree new materials will see the demise of ABS eventually in the 3D printing environment. This is an exciting time within 3D printing.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 21/05/2016 5:37 am
Trusted Member
Re: Bananas

@ hofftairi Thanks for reply hofftari. The thing is this is not well known here. A sticky that covers FAQ's would be good. I have only been here a few weeks and get great prints with my Mk1 Prusa I3. I will however buy the upgrade kit. I would have waited a month if I had known. Shame really. People in the know, should share and communicate, for us recent new owners of a genuine Prusa I3 printer.
Sorry for this late reply, but I've on travels for over a week and just recently got home.

We're an active community where we talk about this passion of ours and of Josef's printer in here. I myself learned of his plans on making a own heatbed just by reading forum posts in here, and somewhere Josef (or someone else, can't remember) mentioned this. And it's kind of a big task for you to ask of the rest of us to "share information" with all new members all the time. Just be active and humble and you'll see that this whole thing isn't a big deal.

We're not some kind of "cool club" in here where only the veterans are allowed to partake of special information, or where some people think they know better than others.

This is, after all, a discussion forum and people will in any case always have different opinions about stuff. But we mustn't be cynical and think that just because someone has better understanding than ourselves he's/she's being an elitist. We're all just a bunch of hobby enthusiasts from around the world gathered in here. No need to try to stir up drama all the time 🙂


Opublikowany : 27/05/2016 9:15 am
Honorable Member
Re: Bananas

@hofftari being humble is good. Those that star as Pros here could learn from that. Accept that some of us newbies have been down the road and know something and do not know who the special people known as Pros are here.

"May I be ever so humble, Mr Copperfield" < Charles Dickens like comment from whom?

@hofftari I am not stirring things up, I am making statements and opinions, just like you. If I hit a spot I am called a "stirrer" sheesh. That is debate.

Why defer to the so called Pros? They can be wrong. All my past comments about the deficiences of the now known as Mk1 were derided by the so called Pro's, they were in the know, period. They fudged and prevaricated. Why make us recent purchasers with genuine concerns and issues look idiots, when they knew a better model was coming all along. That addressed all my concerns. Not a fair base. So I will not be humble..... Why should I. I know better and will not be silenced. Thank you.

I overcame most issues I had, and my Mk1 Prusa I3 gives me brilliant prints. I guess I am an albeit, humble 3D printer user with knowledge 🙂 Dohhh

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 29/05/2016 3:41 am
Trusted Member
Re: Bananas

@Nigel I'm saying these things since I've seen from a third perspective when you've debated with those you call "pros", and you have acted just as bad towards them as they have to you.

Not playing the blame game here, but you know; It takes two to tango 🙂

Anyway let's all be nice. The great poet Hafez once said: "The only thing that separates me from you, is my idea I have of you."



Opublikowany : 29/05/2016 9:26 am
Honorable Member
Re: Bananas

@hofftati , I was settled until your late reply, (perhaps stand back and not stir things up) all I did was stand my ground. You seemed to be a third person in this Tango. Not good. All I got back was sarcastic comments from some so called Pro's This is the end. I agree. Moving on and getting great prints 🙂

I am currently printing with PETG on my now known as Mk1 genuine Prusa I3 printer, looking good so far in this 22 hour print, 10 hours so far.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 30/05/2016 4:11 am
Trusted Member
Re: Bananas

@Nigel No, I was the audience watching you dance 😉


Opublikowany : 30/05/2016 8:19 am
Honorable Member
Re: Bananas

The answer was "Uriah Heep" The character in the Charles Dickens novel "David Copperfield" He was ever so humble 😉
Many dancers here, some are country dancing when the Tango is playing. "Grab your partners by the throat, swing em round and watch them choke" That takes a so called Pro.
Those that just comment (just in the audience) and deny they are in the Dance, are deluded, their dance is there, but no one knows their steps. Creepy.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 31/05/2016 4:52 am
Honorable Member
Re: Bananas

By the way, I would like the admin here to delete my forum account. I will move on as I seem to upset people with my opinions. I genuinely like my Mk1 Prusa I3 and expect the Mk2 to be even better. I need to move on for my own sanity. Thanks.

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 31/05/2016 5:52 am
Trusted Member
Re: Bananas

@Nigel I don't think you took my expression to your heart about the tango stuff I said. Also, right now you're acting just as you did towards me like you did with those you call "pros". Of course they will react badly to your words when you have an attitude like that.

If it's for your own sanity, reflect on your actions instead. Otherwise the next place you move on to will eventually turn out like in here too, and so on.


Opublikowany : 31/05/2016 8:17 am
Honorable Member
Re: Bananas

@hofftari "May I be ever so humble, and respect your comments" I am a joker, I was joking. 🙂 I will stay here, its so much fun. I will however go into serious mode once in a while as I know stuff.

My point lighten up everyone, including the so called Pro's. Take on board others and do not do them down straight away, because they as a so called Pro know best, when you haven't done or tried as suggested by a so called newbie like me 🙂 Sewing machine oil. Lubrication FTW

Life is keeping interested and excited by knowledge and new things.

Opublikowany : 01/06/2016 4:07 am
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