Hello all,
I know this has been brought up a ton of times, but I cannot get ABS to stick to the bed of my MK2. I have done steel wool to rough it up, then acetone, then denatured alcohol. Lowered the nozzle down -.9 and still have sticking problems. I built a chamber for the printer, it gets about 35c in there, some what better luck but not great. I have tried 100c bed 110c bed 240c, 245c,250c,255c. Nothing seems to add up. I print ABS on PrintinZ plates at 240c and 80c bed in a box all the time with no problems. How does Prusa print all these orange and black parts so well on this stuff? Does he use a brim? Doesn't look like it in the videos. I have tried 5 different brands of filament, all the same. Any tips are greatly appreciated.
Re: ABS on PEI
I've printed with abs easily using an acetone/abs slurry mixture. Its very simple to make. Most people call it abs juice. Here's a link to a simple instructable. http://www.instructables.com/id/ABS-Juice-and-Slurry-Getting-your-Prints-to-Stick/
For your info, I followed this, but found my self adding more to make it thicker. My first batch did not stick very well, it got better as I added more abs. I would go with 300-400mm of 1.75 abs to 100ml of acetone instead of 200mm. You can get acetone at walmart in pure form in a big bottle in the make up section cheap. Also for your info, I used black abs, and printed with a bright deep blue and no black residue showed up on the bottom of my print. I think i would only worry about the color if i was glueing abs parts as that is a much thicker mixture.
Good luck!
Re: ABS on PEI
You stated that you use a PRINTINZ plate. Is this used on the Prusa printer or another one. I purchased a custom plate to fit my MK2 but am having issues with failed calibrations which Im assuming is caused by the pinda not detecting the plate in certain spots. Did you have the same issues?