zeroing bed temperature at end of print. How?
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zeroing bed temperature at end of print. How?  

Active Member
zeroing bed temperature at end of print. How?

how do I set up g-code for the bed temperature to 0 at end of print? I'm an amateur printer and am just starting. When a print run will end while I am out of the house, I would like the bed to not be idling hot!!!


Respondido : 22/07/2016 9:40 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: zeroing bed temperature at end of print. How?


add the following to the "End GCode" section within the slicer:

M140 S0


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 22/07/2016 9:44 pm
Linux User Group Oberschwaben
Estimable Member
Re: zeroing bed temperature at end of print. How?

Hi james,

As far as i'm aware, when the print is finished both hot end and heatbed get cut off so they cool natural down to room temp. The fan for the hotend works till the hotend has 29 degrees. So it should be safe to operate even if you are not at home.

At least i can observe this behaviour on my mk2 🙂

Respondido : 21/08/2016 7:46 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: zeroing bed temperature at end of print. How?

[quote="manuel.s"So it should be safe to operate even if you are not at home.[/quote]

Check out the E3D Warnings first:

Like all 3D printers, printers fitted with a high temperature all metal hotend can be a fire hazard. You are using experimental technology to heat and melt plastic, in a machine that you may have built or modified yourself, that likely does not have safety certification or significant failsafes. Fire/Smoke alarms, supervision of your printer while printing, and expertise should not be considered optional.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Respondido : 21/08/2016 8:32 pm
Reputable Member
Re: zeroing bed temperature at end of print. How?

To be completely honest this should be in the improvement section as it should come as a option and also a default on newly shipped printers. That was the first thing I changed on all my prints. Sometimes annoying but if it was an option on the machine it would make it soo much safer and also easier to change.

Respondido : 23/08/2016 8:56 am
Trusted Member
Re: zeroing bed temperature at end of print. How?

To be completely honest this should be in the improvement section as it should come as a option and also a default on newly shipped printers. That was the first thing I changed on all my prints. Sometimes annoying but if it was an option on the machine it would make it soo much safer and also easier to change.

It was already set up in Slic3r when I built my printer. I downloaded that version from the PR site on August 12. It turns off the nozzle, heated bed, fan, and disables the motors:

M104 S0 ; turn off temperature
M140 S0 ; turn off heatbed
M107 ; turn off fan
G1 X0 Y200; home X axis
M84 ; disable motors

I guess that raises the question: what is the easiest way to get new settings? Is it possible to download just the profiles without re-installing?

Respondido : 23/08/2016 1:51 pm
David T.
Noble Member
Re: zeroing bed temperature at end of print. How?

Is it possible to download just the profiles without re-installing?
You can pull out the settings profiles from Mac version of drivers package zip file and import them into Slic3r.

Respondido : 23/08/2016 2:05 pm