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weird problem slicing supports  

New Member
weird problem slicing supports


I recently received and assembled the Prusa i3 mk2 kit, and everything's been working really well so far. I've gotten some pretty good prints using the PLA that came with the printer.

However, I soon came upon a really weird problem with Slic3r (prusa edition). I tried to print a figurine which obviously needed some support material, and I tried setting up the support settings. I used these settings:

Generate support material: yes
Overhang angle: 45
Enforce: 0
Raft: 0
Contact Z distance: 0.2
Pattern: rectilin
Sheath: no
Pattern spacing: 2.5
Pattern angle: 0
Interface layers: 1
Interface pattern spacing: 0.2
Interface loops: yes
Support on build plate only: no
XY separation: 60%
Dont support bridges: yes

Everything came out completely fine in the preview-- all the supports and everything were completely fine, but when i printed, there were only a few supports near the top of the model (?)

Confused, I tried printing it again, but again only a few supports were printed.

Finally, I decided to slicea right angle overhang just to see if everything was alright ( ). I kept the settings above, and decided to not print it but rather take a look at the gcode using ( Sure enough, in the gcode viewer, i could not see any of the support material (except for the interface layer) even though it was clearly in the preview of the slic3r.

Idk, maybe there's some setting i've overlooked(?) I couldn't find the solution to the problem anywhere online 😐 😐 😐

This i my first 3d printer, so im basically totally clueless :////


Slic3r view: ( )

Printer/gcode viewer view: ( ) (it's a little bit tilted but you get the idea)

MOD EDIT: Moved to English forum

Posted : 29/07/2017 1:59 am
Noble Member
Re: weird problem slicing supports

I have not seen this problem, but have a few things for you to try.

1) Check which extruder you have set for the supports. It might be set to a different extruder (that you don't have).

2) Try changing these settings:
Interface layers: 0
Interface pattern spacing: 0
Interface loops: no

Let us know.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 29/07/2017 2:21 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: weird problem slicing supports

I double checked the extruder settings, which is set to 1 extruder (without the multi material setting checked).

Interface layers set to 0 also didn't do anything :///

I'm getting super weird behavior from slic3r. Viewing it on gcode viewer ( #), it looks like this:

(note: interface layers is set to 0 and interface loop are also off rn)

I have no clue where the squiggle on the very bottom layer came from, and the squiggle near the top looks like the very top of the support. The bottom squiggle also doesn't come up in the layer analysis on slic3r, so I have no clue why it's being super weird when it's exporting. For now I've been relying on meshmixer to generate supports, but I'd like to get slic3r working too :///

(note: i won't be able to respond for a few days. I might try reinstalling slic3r when I get back.)

Posted : 30/07/2017 7:29 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: weird problem slicing supports

Here's a link to the gcode:

Posted : 03/08/2017 3:23 am
Estimable Member
Supports not working properly

I cannot get the Slic3r supports to work properly. I have upgraded to the latest version (3.5.1? / 1-18-19) and find it has changed support behavior over the previous version.

In particular, the "Support on build plate only" is putting supports above various layers, which I don't want (see middle of pic). I have designed the part to take care of that. A lot of the settings don't make much sense, but I have tried various parameters with no luck.

I also downloaded Meshmixer, but can't find a way to make the object sit down on the XY plane. It jumps above or below. I like its ability to eliminate supports, but it unusble until I can figure out the axis problem.

Is there a slicer that does a good job of supports? 😕 😕

Posted : 18/01/2019 4:00 pm