Silc3r Prusa edition - Filament used and cost calulator
Hello, i have been using repetier and cura in the past.
I can't seem to find after slicing, information about how long the printing takes, how much filament and i suppose as filament settings has $/kg box it should say cost of printing by filament used.
Re: Silc3r Prusa edition - Filament used and cost calulator
After you save the gcode it will display the cost and filament used.
Re: Silc3r Prusa edition - Filament used and cost calulator
This is not very user friendly indeed. It should show after pressing "Slice now", but it only does after either "Export G-Code" or "Send to printer"
Re: Silc3r Prusa edition - Filament used and cost calulator
This is not very user friendly indeed. It should show after pressing "Slice now", but it only does after either "Export G-Code" or "Send to printer"
I agree 100%. The sliced file exists somewhere, probably a temp directory, for it to be able to show the layers, paths, etc. There should be no reason they couldn't make this happen.