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Rounded corners & unclean junction  

Active Member
Rounded corners & unclean junction

Hello Prusa Forum,
first of all, i hope i got the right category for my post. I´m not 100% sure.

If i print a rectangular object, the corners are still round. Ok, i know, there is no 100% real edge corner, but there is definitely to much PLA at the corner. See the pictures for example.

My second question is, why does my printer puts to much material at the end of line. I can see this on a circular or an unbowed end of a line. See also the pictures for reference pls.

I use S3D. What can i try to get better results?

Thank you for reading my post.


Posted : 07/05/2017 2:07 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Rounded corners & unclean junction


Im not a pro at this but take a look at S3D's trouble shooting guide. Helped me a lot.


Posted : 08/05/2017 8:35 am
Estimable Member
Re: Rounded corners & unclean junction

It looks to me like you are either over extruding. You may also want to add or increase the coast setting since it looks like more filament is coming out towards the end of a finished line.

Considering you are using black filament, you may want to try a temp tower as well to see what temperature is best. Black and white filament have so much pigment that they often have a different viscosity then regular filaments and require a different temp. I would recommend a temp tower for each brand/color you get and write down which looked best. Its a rather quick print and will save you time in the long run when switching between filaments.

Posted : 08/05/2017 7:56 pm