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Problem with extruder  

New Member
Problem with extruder

Hi ,
I am a new owner of a Prusa I3 MK2.
I builded up the printer over the weekend.
I tried to print a simple Marvin as a test and the nozzle got clogged right in the middle.(SD card print)
I am using the PLA shipped with the printer.
The extruder motor did the usual "tac tac tac" of the death...

Using a very thin wire I could manage to unclogged the nozzle ...but the nozzle got clogged again on a simple PRUSA test print.
I use the PLA standard temperature setting.

So is this due to the PLA , or some sort of nozzle problems?

Should I disassemble the nozzle and change it ?

Thanks for your help !

Posted : 20/09/2016 12:44 am
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Problem with extruder

First check if your HE fan is running. It should start spinning automatically when HE reaches 50°C.

Posted : 20/09/2016 8:50 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Problem with extruder

David ,
Everything (both fans) are running fine.

The PLA start to melt at 195 deg when I load the filament but the extruder motor is really pushing hard...tac tac tac..
I did try to increase the temperature to 230degC and the noise from the extrusion motor disappeared.
The PLA seems to flow out correctly ....but 230degC , man this is hot !

I have ordered a new nozzle and a new PLA (ColorFabb) to test where it comes from.

Posted : 21/09/2016 11:17 am
David T.
Noble Member
Re: Problem with extruder

Well, that's interesting. Step 15 - Did you tighten the screws "just right"? If they're tightened too much, extruder motor could have hard times while pushing the filament through.

Another idea - maybe a bit of another type of filament got stuck in hotend. It could be flushed out by extruding at higher temperature, try to heat it up to 250°C and extrude about 50-100mm of filament. You can do that by something like Pronterface or by menu command "Move axis"->"Move E".

If nothing helps, I'm out of ideas for now.

Posted : 21/09/2016 11:45 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Problem with extruder

David ,
you mean the screws with the springs on them (step15 of your link) ?
Yes ! I measured 13mm ! (and I have tried different settings from 20mm to 13mm ).
The printer is brand new , and I used only the filament provided with the printer.
I will try you idea first.
Can it be the filament that is out of specification ?

I have ordered some needle (special 3D printer @0.4mm) to try to clean the nozzle , I will try this before fitting a new filament.
Worst case I will change the nozzle (I ordered an extra one ) , and in the last resort I will change the complete extruder (I hope not..).

Thanks for your help !

Posted : 21/09/2016 3:03 pm