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Print Stopping After 1 Layer  

Active Member
Print Stopping After 1 Layer

Hello all,

I have had success with the prints that come on the SD card. Now, I'm trying to use Slic3r and Pronterface to print from my laptop, and the prints are stopping after one layer. I load the STL into Slic3r Prusa Edition, slice it, then export the g-code. Then, I open the g-code in Pronterface, and it estimates my print as under 1 minute, and stops right after the first layer is finished.

Do any of you have an idea of what could be happening?

Posted : 06/06/2017 1:55 am
Member Moderator
Re: Print Stopping After 1 Layer

i guess you're using a previous version of slic3r and didn't wait enough until slic3r is ready with it's job.
in acutal versions this behaviour has been corrected, so your gcode will only appear after the slicing process has been completed.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Posted : 06/06/2017 11:15 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print Stopping After 1 Layer

I figured it out. When I saved my STL out of SolidWorks, I saved it in inches instead of millimeters. Changing it to mm in SolidWorks fixed the problem, so it must have had to do with scaling.

Posted : 06/06/2017 3:55 pm