Newbie: Help me diagnose print problem
I've done a few successful prints but recently have been running into problems that I haven't been able to figure out. There is a certain section of the print bed where filament is failing to stick to the build plate, and instead sometimes sticking to the nozzle. It has been making the first layer very uneven with holes and ridges that interfere with the second layer.
I'll attach a picture of the problem. I'm not sure what info is helpful so I'll just dump everything I can think of. The top piece is still attached to the build plate and the lower piece is a failed attempt from before. The print in the picture is the batman model that came pre-loaded on the sd card. I've been using Prusa PLAs with 210C hotend and 55C bed tempratures. I think the issue has been most prominent in the upper right quadrant, but I've seen it in less severe in other locations. I've cleaned the bed with isopropyl alcohol and have not used any additional adhesive on top of the PEI sheet.
Please send me your suggestions, Thanks!
Re: Newbie: Help me diagnose print problem
Give this a try:
Bed leveling adjustment at the left / right / front / rear side to fine tune the 1st layer squish. The bed adjustment feature is accessible from the Calibration menu and as new L R F B codes of the G80 G-code. The values are entered in micrometers, the maximum allowed...
Re: Newbie: Help me diagnose print problem
I use the Prusa PLA's and they are a great starting point, I have turned my temp down to about 208 now and get a good finish with that. I am presuming you are using the Gcodes on the memory card. I would firstly check your print bed for levelness but with a straight edge first. Lay it on its edge left to right and front to back moving it across the range. I found that either the bed wasn't straight or my build was warping the bed ever so slightly. I have used some very small washers on 3 of the corners to raise them and got it very straight. Once that was done I then auto homed the head and checked the distance with feeler gauges and moved the print bed around to check the height making little adjustments as needed following what David said above. I would also check the screws you hold the middle of your bed down with, they are quite tight and can push the middle of the bed up slightly if you don't apply some downward pressure as you are re-tightening them on final assembly.
Also, check your IPA, use one of the wipes that came in the kit to check again, not all IPA is the same, and 99.99%+ is needed, some of the stuff you buy elsewhere is lower and contains other stuff that works against you.
Re: Newbie: Help me diagnose print problem
I also think you may have the head too close to the bed, use the live Z adjust and remove 10 or 20 from the Z height ie if you are at -300, change to -280 and try again see if it looks better
Re: Newbie: Help me diagnose print problem
Thanks for the tips, after a bit of tweaking the bed leveling I've made some improvements. There is still room for improvement but I'll figure that out as I go.