Loving the latest Slic3r - couple of questions - wishes
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Loving the latest Slic3r - couple of questions - wishes  

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Loving the latest Slic3r - couple of questions - wishes

Having used Slic3r from the off, I love it the more I use it and rarely have issues with it on any print. but have a couple of questions / wishes / wants that can maybe be answered or looked at.

1. is Layer editing the same as SLic3r Variable Layer height (where you double click the model and enter the variable layers for your model manually. if so, is it possible to have it populate the variable layer height section so you can see what you are specifying. I love this feature and use it on most models now, and a little more control would be great.
2.When you save a Gcode you can add custom text to a file, ie automatically adding _200um to then end of .20 print setting file means I can see the gcode was set to .20 when and if I use them again (this saves me from forgetting or sometimes being lazy... 😕 . Can you pick up any other variables, if so are there a list of the variables I could add, I would love to be able to automatically add the name for the filament profile I was using to the front of the saved gcode file and also maybe the expected filament usage in either grams or length, not worried which but would be great..
3. Variable speed...like the variable layer, is it possible to have an adjust for the speed, just in percentage of relative speed ie 100% etc. I quite often run the printer at about 140% for straight sections but curved areas I keep it at 100% or sometimes lower depending on the filament etc. I looked as edited the gcode but think that speed and extrusion rate would both need to be changed to increase the speed outside of using the control panel. But if you can do it on the control panel, can it be done from Slic3r? ( I expect the 100% is Hardware based so don't expect the on screen percentage to change. Just I can cut some prints down from 5 hours to 3.5 hours manually changing things.. would be great to not have to come to the printer to do it.
4. I like the supports that SLic3r uses, but sometimes no matter what I do, some are just superfluous, is it possible to allow some to be deleted?
5. Final one, if I leave Slic3r open for a long time (many hours) after using layer editing, when I come back to my computer and try to use it again ( I sometimes leave it open to check on complicated prints to see where it is in relation to parts that could have issues or speed changes) it goes into super crash mode and pops up 100's of error before crashing. I have completely failed to capture a screen sot of this so far, but will try but it does do it fairly regularly.

Thanks for everything on SLic3r though, I love this little program


Posted : 15/05/2017 11:05 am