I want printer to slow down when it reaches the top to do lettering? How?
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I want printer to slow down when it reaches the top to do lettering? How?  

Reputable Member
I want printer to slow down when it reaches the top to do lettering? How?

I am doing to printing and when I get to the top I have lettering. The PLA is acceptable but when I do the same thing with PETG it gets a bit stringy. I have lowered the temp to 204c and it seems to help. I was wondering if there was a way to slow down the printer when it gets to that part. I am using Slic3R Prusa. I can download Cura slicer if that will help.
Any other suggestions are welcome. I am using MakerGeeks PLA and PETG. Both print well but when I get to the lettering the PETG seems to get messed up.
Thank You again.

Posted : 27/01/2018 2:24 am
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: I want printer to slow down when it reaches the top to do lettering? How?

Two ways

  • when it gets to that part of the print, turn the knob on the front until the feed-rate is 50%. That slows everything down (nozzle speed, filament extrusion, etc.)
  • slice with different settings for different layers. I know simplify3d can do this, applying a completely different process to different height ranges of the print. Others here may know how to do it in Slic3r
  • Posted : 27/01/2018 5:29 am
    Reputable Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: I want printer to slow down when it reaches the top to do lettering? How?

    Two ways

  • when it gets to that part of the print, turn the knob on the front until the feed-rate is 50%. That slows everything down (nozzle speed, filament extrusion, etc.)
  • slice with different settings for different layers. I know simplify3d can do this, applying a completely different process to different height ranges of the print. Others here may know how to do it in Slic3r

  • I was trying to figure that out in Slic3r. Have not figured it out yet. 7 hour print so don't know if I can be here when it gets to that part of the print.

    Posted : 27/01/2018 6:52 am
    Estimable Member
    Re: I want printer to slow down when it reaches the top to do lettering? How?

    M220 sets the feedrate by g-code. You could just edit the Gcode manually at the proper place to automate the speed switch. Slic3r doesn't insert layer comments, so you have to find the appropriate G1 Z movement yourself. Let's say you want to slow the printer to 80% at Z=100mm. Open the G-code and search for "G1 Z100" then add the appropriate M220 command.

    M220 S80
    G1 Z100.150 F7800.000

    Posted : 27/01/2018 7:17 am
    Eminent Member
    Re: I want printer to slow down when it reaches the top to do lettering? How?

    You can make slic3r to insert layer comments.

    Printer Settings -> Custom G-Code -> Before Layer change G-Code

    Look at the tooltip help, there is [layer_z] and [layer_num] available

    Posted : 27/01/2018 9:45 am
    Eminent Member
    Re: I want printer to slow down when it reaches the top to do lettering? How?

    Actually, you can use conditional code processing:

    {if layer_num==1234}M220 S80{endif}

    Posted : 27/01/2018 12:43 pm
    Active Member
    Re: I want printer to slow down when it reaches the top to do lettering? How?



    Posted : 31/01/2018 8:41 am