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How to improve my print?  

New Member
How to improve my print?

Hi I am having some issues with my prints and i'm new to 3d printing. I'm using Simply3D to slice my models. Attached is one example of my print, it is printed in 0.3mm and with 10% infill.

Posted : 25/07/2017 7:47 am
Trusted Member
Re: How to improve my print?

To start, I would suggest you to use the Prusa Slic3r which you get when installing their driver package. I also use S3D with all my other printers, but not with my Prusa.
The settings are just so fine tuned that you'll get really nice looking prints, if not... Please let us know so we can check but we will need some more specifications then.

Posted : 25/07/2017 5:05 pm