First time model cut and some surface is missing
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First time model cut and some surface is missing  

New Member
First time model cut and some surface is missing

Hi there, I got a failed print yesterday that was perfect until the pla stopped adhering and the printhead had some mess around it.

I wanted to cut the rest of the model, sand it and glue it on thop of the failed one. But when I slice the top of the model one part of the spaceship's hull is missing. Since I never cut models before, can someone show me where I can read about the basics of such model repair? Is it even possible or does the part miss because part of the information was on a lower layer .... Hm....

Model on thingiverse:

Screenshots and photos of the model that stopped at about 70 % and about the slice I was trying ... You can see that the 3d preview is missing stuff that is shown in the standard window ... maybe there is the solution to my problem, but I can't "read" it because I lack experience.

Posted : 09/08/2017 10:21 am
Noble Member
Re: First time model cut and some surface is missing

Try using Slic3r's "Cut" function to cut the model at the correct Z value. It should place the model back down on the bed, not on supports like you have.

You really should address your print coming loose problem first. That is likely an incorrect "Live Adjust Z" value. See "Life Adjust Z - my way" thread under "Calibration" forum.

I have found that such model repairs are often not worth it, and just a re-print is in order. The time spent on repair is worse (my involvement) than a print.

Also, Why the heavy infill on this model? 20% is plenty for a model like this.

Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage or loss. If you solve your problem, please post the solution…

Posted : 09/08/2017 2:51 pm