Fillamentum Nylon CF15
Has anyone has success with filamentum nylon cf15.
I have problems with first layer adhension.
I tried glue, acetone blur, just acetone, plain IPA cleaning...
I have MK2S, bed 100 celsius
Any ideas what I should try, Thank you
3Dxtech NylonX works fine.
Re: Fillamentum Nylon CF15
I've just bought one. With carbon.
but haven't tried yet waiting for hardened steal nozzle
Re: Fillamentum Nylon CF15
Let me know if you manage to print with it.
So far I have no success. I asked help also from fillamentum support, let see if they have any ideas...
Re: Fillamentum Nylon CF15
The support answers.
- enclosed printer, that I have since I print big abs molds.
- bed 100, check
- nozzle 265, maybe I go to 270
- glue stick or magigoo, maybe I buy magigoo for test.
- brim 20, have to try that
I like Fillamentum products, so I hope that I get this working like other their products.
Re: Fillamentum Nylon CF15
thanks for sharing
I am curious if magigoo does work on PEI. Checking their web page, seen only a glass bed.
... and look at different distributors to find best price for the pen
RE: Fillamentum Nylon CF15
Did you get a chance to test magigoo on PEI?
RE: Fillamentum Nylon CF15
I have already printed many parts with Magigoo and the foiled pei plate. Used material was PA12 from Aprintapro.
Printed in an enclosure (temp 45degree), no cooling, nozzle 270degree, bed 105degree, nozzle 0.25mm, 5-10mm brim. You have to accept stringing and it is reasonably easy to remove with a heatgun and mechanical methods.
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