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Z axis calibration  

Eminent Member
Z axis calibration

Few things for my understanding... First the z axis calibration and z adjust are used to get the right profile of the extrusion stream and good adhesion. Second I understand the need for a heated bed to counter warp and aid in adhesion.

My question is how consistent will the z axis be so many layers away from from the heat source? The process as I understand it is that we dial in the height of the profile to attain an optimal shape at the Z axis calibration step on a heated bed. Won't that shape change as the distance increases from the bed? If so the machine moves a certain distance per layer and if it changes it seems like that would add up to create a height error. I think the same could be said for the x, and y sizes. I suppose you could make an on the fly change but you can't dynamically change the G-code so an in process change would almost assure an error as well. If I want my part to be X high it's going to be subject to the calibration height.

Is there any truth to what I'm thinking? If so is there advice for striking a balance to deliver consistent build height. I was thinking you could check actual height against design height and make a small adjustment to the calibration and re-check.

Posted : 09/01/2018 7:20 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Z axis calibration

the z-calibration is only for the fist layer, the height of the following layers is whatever you specified in the slicer.

Posted : 10/01/2018 12:27 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Z axis calibration

and the build accuracy is a function of firmware steps/mm per axis.... which should be correct in the prusa firmware hex files
regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 10/01/2018 1:37 am