weird pauze /reset while almost finish print
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weird pauze /reset while almost finish print  

Eminent Member
weird pauze /reset while almost finish print

Luckely no issue wit the print, just starnge behaviour.
I almost finished the print and i heard the printer moving the y axix a lot so i was thinking>>>READY.
But a soon i came at the printer it was starting printing again on the spot it was "paused".
Strange> but no problem and i was just wondering what happend and it could be happening more often but maybe i didnt saw this happening before.
I was monitoring the print through youtube so i was able to capture it.

Edit, Now i watch the video again, at the moment its repositioning it crashed into something.....i can see my webcam changing position, didnt saw anything what could cause it.... but at the end maybe the crashprotection kicking in?

Posted : 05/03/2018 11:09 am
Kris (Techniker)
Active Member
Re: weird pauze /reset while almost finish print

I've had a few crashes during prints as well. Not sure what caused them. It's like the printer resets for some reason and then goes into crash recovery. My MK3 is on a 1800VA UPS all by itself so it's not caused by a power input issue. Maybe it's the power supply failing as other people have reported their power supplies dying.

Posted : 05/03/2018 11:59 am