Unusual brim patterns? - now 6 failed prints (adhesion) - SOLVED THANK YOU!!!
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Unusual brim patterns? - now 6 failed prints (adhesion) - SOLVED THANK YOU!!!  

Active Member
Unusual brim patterns? - now 6 failed prints (adhesion) - SOLVED THANK YOU!!!

Hi, this is my first post. I love my mk3! i recieved it in feb and built it up and once i calibrated i've had very few problems. I've probably printed about 25 prints successfully.

This last couple of days i've just had failed print after failed print. (6 in a row now).
I've changed nothing advanced on the settings but i had recently printed a skull in two parts with glow in the dark 3dFilaPrint PLA. one half had a strange layer shift halfway up (about 1.5 mm). after this though i printed it again and got a perfect skull (approx 5-6hrs i guess)

but since i've moved back to regular PLA (prusa brand or 3dFila) the bed adhesion seems awful.
also the brims (i just always print with a brim) seem to have an unusual double striping pattern now. (like a zebra skin). unfortunalty i've just cleaned up my workspace and threw away my nice older brims. But they used to be almost perfect smooth thin almost transparant things. now they are like this image.

the 3 brims i'm holding up, are from failed prints using SlicerPrusa with mk3 settings at 0.3 FAST settings (i think i might have added layers to the brim in an effort to get it more solid - sorry i cant be sure)
The one on the printer, is from PrusaControl done at Fast 0.2 settings (i thought maybe my slicer settings were screwed so i went back to PrusaControl) It's still printing so might be ok, but the brim looks lifted and odd.

i have just now updated Slicer and prusaControl (got the new drivers etc but i havent updated the firmware yet)

so for whatever reason the adhesion is poor and i get a failed print.

I always use decent 99.99% isoprop alcohol to clean the bed first.

I've just seen a thing about glow in the dark materials wearing out the nozzle. Do you think it's that? after only say max 10hrs with green glow 3DfilaPrint PLA?
Any advice would be appriciated. this is my first printer so i'm very inexperianced!

Posted : 22/03/2018 12:02 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Unusual brim patterns? - now 6 failed prints (adhesion)

I think it is due to a combination of incomplete Z-level calibration and a dirty bed.
Begin by washing the bed with water and a little soap. Wipe the surface thoroughly and print again.

Acetone, isopropyl alcohol, etc. does not dissolve water-based dirt.

the 3 brims i'm holding up, are from failed prints using SlicerPrusa with mk3 settings at 0.3 FAST settings

0.3 mm is no longer available as an option in Prusa Slic3r, so you should not use it. Use 0.2 mm instead 💡

Bear MK3 with Bondtech extruder

Posted : 22/03/2018 12:33 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Unusual brim patterns? - now 6 failed prints (adhesion)

I think it is due to a combination of incomplete Z-level calibration and a dirty bed.
Begin by washing the bed with water and a little soap. Wipe the surface thoroughly and print again.

Acetone, isopropyl alcohol, etc. does not dissolve water-based dirt.

ahhhh i'll try that right now thanks, i'll report back

Posted : 22/03/2018 12:44 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Unusual brim patterns? - now 6 failed prints (adhesion)

I think it is due to a combination of incomplete Z-level calibration and a dirty bed.
Begin by washing the bed with water and a little soap. Wipe the surface thoroughly and print again.

Acetone, isopropyl alcohol, etc. does not dissolve water-based dirt.

the 3 brims i'm holding up, are from failed prints using SlicerPrusa with mk3 settings at 0.3 FAST settings

0.3 mm is no longer available as an option in Prusa Slic3r, so you should not use it. Use 0.2 mm instead 💡

omg THANK YOU!!! i washed the metal sheet with kitchen soap then IsopAlcohol.

Then i did basic calibration which resulted in the sample 1 (see pic)
I then tried the full calibration wizard to get it sorted and redid the manual calibration afterwards (samples 2 and 3) (see pic)

i think that's it sorted. thank you so much. i'm printing the prusa logo as a test and the first layer looks like all mine used too. perfect and flat, no zebra stripes. i did back off a little as the final sample seemed a tad too squished. i ended up at -0.750.

Posted : 22/03/2018 4:23 pm