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[Closed] Randomly stops with "Unload filament"  

New Member
Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

I've just received my MK3 and I've been able to print a number of the bundled files including the whistle and Nefertiti. I've been trying to print a new spool holder but the machine stops randomly with a beep and an "Unload filament" message. I've tried a number of times. The first two times, I generated the gcode using Prusa Control. The third time I used Slic3r PE.

I understand that this message is part of the new filament change process. I did not choose multiple colors in Prusa Control or Slic3r. I also examined the gcode and made sure that no M600 commands were present in the files.

The Unload filament message appears randomly, part way through the completion of one of the first 1-6 layers. When it first occurred, I went through the filament change process in order to continue the print only to have it happen again a few minutes later. I then abandoned the print and tried again only to have the same thing happen at a different point in the print. I regenerated the gcode in Prusa Control but the same problem occurred at a different point in the print. Assuming that there was a problem with Prusa Control, I tried Slic3r PE and checked the resulting gcode to ensure there were no M600 commands. There were none. However the "unload filament" message appeared again partway into the 4th or fifth layer.

The printer appears to have the latest firmware already, so I'm not hopeful that re-flashing it will fix the problem. Also, the random nature of the issue makes me suspect that this is a hardware issue.

Here is a link to the STL file that I've been working with:
file: BothArmsArrangedTogether.stl

Please help.

Posted : 25/02/2018 10:08 am
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

Good morning Steve,

there seem to be some filaments which are problematic,

'Real Filaments' green transparent PETG and
'Sainsmart' Black TPU have been my problem materials,
(others have mentioned Lime green and transparent blue)
Both of these filaments are shiny...

Prusa did replace my sensor, with a new sample of the same release version sensor.
I did have one false sense on Black TPU after that, and I have not yet tried Green PETG since as I only changed the sensor on Friday.

It has printed happily with green PLA since it was changed,

If it's a problem for you, you can turn the sensor off.... with a problem filament,

I have been using up roll ends to make spools for short lengths / samples and filament run out i useful for alerting end of roll

what filament were you using?

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 25/02/2018 10:46 am
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

Thanks so much for the prompt reply. I have in fact just switched to a black glossy filament. It didn't occur to me that it might be a sensor issue.. I was bracing myself for a re-flash tomorrow but I'll try turning off the filament sensor first. I'm still getting to know the machine.

Thanks again!


Posted : 25/02/2018 12:28 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

That was it. Turning off the filament sensor fixed the problem. Thank you!


Posted : 25/02/2018 6:45 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

Ive printed probably a dozen different types of filament and the first one to cause this exact issue was black petg, which is glossy. Glad to hear you got this sorted out.

Posted : 25/02/2018 8:56 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

Hate to be the "me too" guy but this explains the error I got during my last print. It's black Inland petg (the parts are great so no dis) which is water wet shiny. I was able to restart the print so no issue. "the more you know" Thanks Joan.

Posted : 26/02/2018 12:03 am
Eminent Member
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

Hello everybody,

I just want to confirm that "filament sensor" could have problems with black and shiny filament.

I've tried Black TPU filament from Creozone and had frequent issues of "unload filament blabla ..."
That directly on the first print !
The speed... no change...
The temperature... no change...

After 5 try, I've decided to desactivate the sensor filament and... tadaaaaa... It worked 😆 !!

I hope it would help some body.

Have a good night,

Posted : 13/03/2018 9:09 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

Filament sensor is a mice to have, not a need to have,

give em a little time and they will sort it!


I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 13/03/2018 10:30 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

Hello Joan,

Yes I know, that is a usefull function.
For other material where I know it's working, I reactive the filament sensor.


Posted : 15/03/2018 10:44 am
Active Member
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

I have the same problem with eSun PETG black. Sounds like I need to try to turn off the filament sensor and see what happens. Will reply after I try.

Posted : 07/07/2018 10:11 pm
Veteran Member Moderator
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

Good luck Todd

Regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Posted : 07/07/2018 10:36 pm
Active Member
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

I was able to print a small object (5 minute print) last night without interruption using the eSun PETG with the filament sensor turned off. Will try a larger object today. Thanks everyone!

Posted : 08/07/2018 1:22 pm
Active Member
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

Good news here. The eSun PETG glossy black works much better since I turned off the filament sensor. I have run two multi-hour print jobs now with no interruptions. I'll turn it back on for PLA prints, but I'm happy to know I can print the rest of my glossy black spool without interruptions now. By the way, does anyone know if there are good non-glossy black PETG filaments out there?

Posted : 08/07/2018 9:16 pm
Illustrious Member
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

[...] By the way, does anyone know if there are good non-glossy black PETG filaments out there?
There are, but careful what you ask for. 3DXTech has a matte family of PETG filaments. I ordered their Prusa Orange, and it worked well for small test prints. I got ambitious and tried a larger print, only to encounter the PETG death-grip on my PEI bed. I really tore the PEI up getting the parts removed. I had some cooling on, so the material stuck better to the PEI than itself. A couple of finger-sized strips tore up.

Surprisingly, I was able to get the tears to lay down smoothly, and except for a small bubble at one spot, it seems to be sticking. I designated that side of the plate my official "sticky stuff" side, applied a layer of glue stick, reduced cooling and the 3DXTec PETG has been tamed. This was the first material that required more than the "wipe with Windex and/or bang forehead" prep method. I've used NGEN, XT, PETG, TPE and others without this issue.

Apparently making PETG non-gloss requires additives that up the print temps considerably, and it behaves very differently. The material seems great now that I know how to prepare for it.

My notes and disclaimers on 3D printing

and miscellaneous other tech projects
He is intelligent, but not experienced. His pattern indicates two dimensional thinking. -- Spock in Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan

Posted : 08/07/2018 11:11 pm
New Member
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

I have the same problem with eSun PETG black. Sounds like I need to try to turn off the filament sensor and see what happens. Will reply after I try.

I just had the exact same problem with that same filament. It isn't a fluke!

I will just turn off one of the otherwise nice features of the printer I guess :/

Posted : 05/08/2018 7:49 am
New Member
Re: Randomly stops with "Unload filament"

I have the same problem. Worked fine until I started using MatterHackers 'glossy' black PETG. Then it stopped three times during the first print asking for a filament change. I turned off the filament sensor, and it's running without interruption.

Posted : 20/12/2018 4:22 am