Problems with Layer shifts
I have layer shifts with the Benchy from the SD Card
I sliced a building with Simplify3D and have big problems with the higher levels
next try will be with the Slic3r and the MK3 settings. Main Problem Printime with S3D 10,5 houres and with Slic3r with allmost the same settings (Layerhight, infill etc)
Re: Problems with Layer shifts
has nobody else problems with some Layer issues?
Re: Problems with Layer shifts
Hi, which filament are you using?
I would try higher nozzle temp which should offer better layer adhesion.
Re: Problems with Layer shifts
The original Prusa Filament, that was in the box, and the temp setting, the benchy is from the SD Card with the preset temp setting.
Re: Problems with Layer shifts
It looks more like a feed problem rather than a temperature one.
It is a bit counter intuitive but a high extrusion rate can actually cause misfeeds and layers to miss. The over pressure in the nozzle due to a high feed rate causes the extruder to click back a step then if you are lucky the released pressure enables the print to continue. This can be seen halfway up your tower. On small parts a resumption is not possible and a failed print results.
The solution is to reduce the feed rate slightly. I managed to solve my problems with over extrusion by reducing from a multiplier of 1.00 to 9.25. I suggest you do this in which ever slicer you use and re-slice the models.
Martin Wolfe
Re: Problems with Layer shifts
Martin - where does one adjust that?
Re: Problems with Layer shifts
In Slic3r go to the "Filament Settings" tab, In the filament section third item down is "Extrusion multiplier".
Martin Wolfe