Print farm settings for PETG MK3 parts
Now that Prusa are selling the farm orange PETG filament, would Prusa please share their print settings?
I know I will need to wait for the textured powder coated PEI sheets to get the same finish, but it would be good to know the settings so that the upgraded parts are printed to the same standard as those supplied with my MK3 kit.
Re: Print farm settings for PETG MK3 parts
Seems like this has been not answered a few times.. I’m still waiting on my first Prusa, so no first hand knowledge here..
I suspect layer height and infill have “speed of production” weighted a bit higher than most of us would if just building parts for our personal printer.
In other words, you really don’t need to print to identical standards, if you want to spend longer making more detailed or higher infill, that’s OK.
When someone asks you if you're a god, you say, "YES!"
Re: Print farm settings for PETG MK3 parts
Has anyone asked support yet?
Re: Print farm settings for PETG MK3 parts
YES i asked support.
Answer was obvious: just use default settings supplied by Prusa.
I think it makes sense.
Re: Print farm settings for PETG MK3 parts
It's been asked several times, but there was never a clear answer (and you can't get the exact part as printed by Prusa without having the GCode, obviously).
By the seat of the pants, I'm betting they print optimized for speed, possibly with some variable layers or selective infill mixed in where needed, for strength (by the principle of "do the minimum required to work, no excess"). Actually, if you hold one of the X-axis parts in light, you'll see the infill and the fact that walls are quite thin.
So they're actually quite right: the default settings (maybe with 3 or 4 layers for walls) will (probably) give you a stronger part than what's delivered in the box, while both being up to the task they have to perform 🙂
Re: Print farm settings for PETG MK3 parts
Exactly! Well put!
Maybe add 1 perimeter, and overall the part will come nicer than from factory
Re: Print farm settings for PETG MK3 parts
Keep in mind, those default settings may not work the same with a different brand filament. My reprints for the X axis were pretty nice with the defaults, but my bridging caused some tightness issues for the captive nut holes (very tight getting those in). I would advise getting your bridging perfected before printing.
My MK3 Parts: [Bowden] [New Shoes] [TPU Micro Springs]
Re: Print farm settings for PETG MK3 parts
Printing spare parts is a very good test for a new printer. If it fails, you get to learn where it fails. If not, you get a spare part 😀
(gotta make up some excuse for the bucket load of already printed, now useless, spare parts, mumble mumble)
Re: Print farm settings for PETG MK3 parts
I believe the printfarm uses 3mm (2.85mm) filament, this may make the actual settings less useful
regrds Joan
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