Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed
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[Closed] Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed  

Stránka 1 / 3
Active Member
Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

Hiho @ll,

I've got this week my amazing MK3 shipped and built it this weekend. Everything worked fine and the self test finished absolutely perfect, without any failures 🙂
But unfortunately, I heard during the self test a wining noise. I found out, if I set the print fan speed lower as 255 (full speed), this fan makes a strange loud screaming/wining noise. I think, it's because of the PWM. No issues at full speed. But is it normal, that the print fan is that loud screaming?

Thank you very much in advance


BTW: I'm still using the already shipped firmware 3.1.1 RC5 for the einsy

Napsal : 04/02/2018 11:05 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

did you end up replacing the fan? same issue here

Napsal : 11/02/2018 8:02 pm
New Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

I have the same problem. I noticed it when printing flexible filament where fan speed is quite low.

Napsal : 12/02/2018 11:33 am
New Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

I have the same problem too.

Napsal : 12/02/2018 12:09 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

I have the same problem too.

I have the same problem. I noticed it when printing flexible filament where fan speed is quite low.

Prusa is replacing mine under warranty.


Napsal : 12/02/2018 7:20 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

Same noises coming out of my print fan at low speeds.

Can someone who receives a replacement confirm that it does not exhibit the same noise? I was operating under the assumption that it wasn't a defective fan, but rather the way its motor reacts to PWM. I use plenty of small motors in robotics applications that whine similarly when using PWM to slow their speed.

- My MK3 Power Supply and Pwr Mgmt Upgrade
Napsal : 12/02/2018 10:03 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

It is caused by the specific PWM frequency that the microcontroller uses. Replacing the fan is unlikely to change anything, unless your fan also happens to have a different problem making it even worse than normal.

I put a request for the Prusa devs to consider switching to software PWM if possible, which fixes this problem on Marlin-based printers, but I don't know if it will be possible due to the limitations of the Einsy board.

If many people give a thumbs up or reply to this issue on Github, it is more likely to get their attention.

Napsal : 12/02/2018 11:50 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

It is caused by the specific PWM frequency that the microcontroller uses. Replacing the fan is unlikely to change anything, unless your fan also happens to have a different problem making it even worse than normal.

good info, I wonder why it only affects a few of us?

that said, it would be nice if it was just a regular 12v blower fan, then at least we could swap in different (more powerful) fans. I couldn't find a single 5v pwm fan on amazon.

Can someone who receives a replacement confirm that it does not exhibit the same noise? I was operating under the assumption that it wasn't a defective fan, but rather the way its motor reacts to PWM. I use plenty of small motors in robotics applications that whine similarly when using PWM to slow their speed.

I'll report back when I get mine, hopefully this week. Are PWM controllers in PCs that different? I have dozens of pwm devices sitting next to me (pumps, fans, etc) and the motherboard controller and external pwm controller have never whined like this.

Napsal : 13/02/2018 12:10 am
New Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed


i have the same problem. I already contacted suppport and got a spare fan. I changed the fan but the wine noise is still there.
This is how it sounds:

I tested different capacitors connected between the power supply and ground of the fan. 10µF worked the best but the noise is still there espacially on low duty cycles.

You can turn the print fan on without print anything over Settings->Temperature->Fan Speed

Napsal : 16/02/2018 3:47 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

It is caused by the specific PWM frequency that the microcontroller uses. Replacing the fan is unlikely to change anything, unless your fan also happens to have a different problem making it even worse than normal.

good info, I wonder why it only affects a few of us?

The default PLA runs the fan at 0% and 100%, I expect this is why. Mine also whines when not at 100%

Napsal : 16/02/2018 4:54 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

Thank you everyone for your response.. Good to know, I'm not alone. In my opinion, this could be handled by software.. So hopefully within a new firmware, there will be some changes about PWM

Napsal : 04/03/2018 2:46 pm
Active Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

Same problem here. Noticed it today when I printed with PETG for the first time. It‘s really extreme, I had to stop the print...

An official statement would be nice!

Napsal : 04/03/2018 11:34 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

It is caused by the specific PWM frequency that the microcontroller uses. Replacing the fan is unlikely to change anything, unless your fan also happens to have a different problem making it even worse than normal.
Does anyone know what the timer usage is on the processor? If there's a dedicated timer generating the PWM (probably both fan PWMs), then simply setting the base frequency of the timer would solve things.

... just looked at the code:
// The fan interrupt is triggered at maximum 325Hz (may be a bit more due to component tollerances),
// and it takes 4.24 us to process (the interrupt invocation overhead not taken into account).
ISR(INT7_vect) {

... just couldn't find out where INT7 is coming from.

- Martin

- Martin

Napsal : 05/03/2018 6:52 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

In temperature.cpp
#if defined(FAN_PIN) && (FAN_PIN > -1)
setPwmFrequency(FAN_PIN, 1); // No prescaling. Pwm frequency = F_CPU/256/8
soft_pwm_fan = fanSpeedSoftPwm / 2;

FAST_PWM_FAN is there, but disabled in configuration.h:
// Increase the FAN pwm frequency. Removes the PWM noise but increases heating in the FET/Arduino
//#define FAST_PWM_FAN

This would shift PWM frequency up to 31 kHz (assuming F_CPU to be 16 MHz), which would definitely eliminate the whine. The question is if the fan is connected to a timer output pin.

- Martin

- Martin

Napsal : 06/03/2018 8:08 pm
Active Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

Have got an replacement fan from Prusa, unfortunately still the same problem. The noise is really unbearable. 😥

Napsal : 27/03/2018 11:52 am
Estimable Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

Have got an replacement fan from Prusa, unfortunately still the same problem. The noise is really unbearable. 😥

The noise is from the PWM control and exchaning the fan won't make a difference. The PWM frequency should be moved outside the audible range (up or down), which is a software task. There's an issue already:
Vote there if you want it to get fixed. Currently they seem to be occupied by other tasks...

- Martin

- Martin

Napsal : 27/03/2018 6:32 pm
Active Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

The noise is from the PWM control and exchaning the fan won't make a difference. The PWM frequency should be moved outside the audible range (up or down), which is a software task. There's an issue already:
Vote there if you want it to get fixed. Currently they seem to be occupied by other tasks...

- Martin

The support told me (via chat) that the noise is not normal, he tested some printers and they don't show this noise. That was the reason for sending me a replacement fan...

Napsal : 05/04/2018 11:37 am
Eminent Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

Just went searching to see if there was any solution to this as I agree with others, it's pretty unbearable anywhere less than 100%. Voted up the github issue, I guess no one has just built the firmware themselves with the option enabled? Might have to give that a go if I can find the time if not.

Prusa MK 2.25 (Downgraded MMU on MK2 with MK3 printed parts)
Prusa MK3 Kit

Napsal : 10/04/2018 7:29 am
New Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

The Golden Rule of PWM is never run it in the range of audio frequencies.... ie up to 20 KHz. I suspect Prusa never got the memo. The PWM typically is run up around 40 KHz. I don't know how they set the frequency. I always did it in software, so it is a doable fix for Prusa to fix this if they did it in the code or microcontroller initialization. Unfortunately changing the oscillator speed can throw a lot of other stuff out too.

Napsal : 13/04/2018 4:32 am
Nils Anderssen
New Member
Re: Print fan wine noise at lower than full speed

Same problem here as well. Reported the issue to Prusa and got a new fan, but still the same noise. I have to run the fan at full speed to be able to sit next to the printer. Not good for my ears (and I work as a sound designer).
Other than that I am very pleased with the printer so I hope they fix it.

Napsal : 21/04/2018 11:07 am
Stránka 1 / 3