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Powder Coated PEI Sheets  

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Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Octoprint and Linear Advance is working perfectly fine with the latest beta firmware. Granted, it didn't work out of the box but it is being addressed.

That would be news to me. Got a link to a thread about that?

I've been following that discussion pretty closely in other threads. I've not read anything about both features working together, nor a PRUSA-issued firmware with LA re-enabled. (Users are modding the latest FW to manually re-enable LA on their own, but that doesn't mean it works with Octoprint.) I was under the impression we are still waiting on a revamped FW that has rewritten LA code that would put less burden on the EINSY cpu.

User john in 2nd last post in this thread.

Opublikowany : 28/02/2018 11:31 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Also guys please note, Its only the flexplate not the heatbed itself. Some people are saying the printers ship without the Mk52 heatbed, but that is simply not true! The printers all have the Mk52 heatbed (were mk52 just means the heatbed itself with the magnets), its only the powder coated flexplate on top of the mk52 heatbed that is still being delayed.

also as said everybody who gets the stickered flexplate now can get the powder coated plate later at a discount with free shipping. So the way i see it, i eventually get more (second plate) for less money then normal, so secretly i'm still hoping mine will ship next week (or the week after if they slip yet again) without the powder coated plate 😉

Patrick, that's my fault. I was confused with the difference of the MK52 heatbed as being the magnetic flexplate

Thats understandable David, but i had seen it mentioned before in other topics and this time i wanted to chime in. 😛
To be honest i also got a bit confused about some aspects of this printer in the beginning.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 12:02 am
Reputable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Sounds like to me they need a new powder coat supplier.

From what i understand after talking to a buddy who owns a powder coating and paint shop he says powder coating PEI is not possible. Or at least there is no currently known method to do it and have it adhere well.

He said he could probably do it for a non mechanical use part, like just for corrosion protection on a part that wont be handled or used but not for a part that will see handling or use, he said it wouldn't stand up to the handling without peeling. So i dont think their issue is so much that they picked a bad shop its more of a they need to figure out how to do it first. From what i understand they are literally trying to break new ground with this powder coated PEI steel bed.

I just hope that eventually they are successful.

Eh..... this has been around a while, PEI coated bed.. (it's not glued):

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 12:27 am
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Sounds like to me they need a new powder coat supplier.

From what i understand after talking to a buddy who owns a powder coating and paint shop he says powder coating PEI is not possible. Or at least there is no currently known method to do it and have it adhere well.

He said he could probably do it for a non mechanical use part, like just for corrosion protection on a part that wont be handled or used but not for a part that will see handling or use, he said it wouldn't stand up to the handling without peeling. So i dont think their issue is so much that they picked a bad shop its more of a they need to figure out how to do it first. From what i understand they are literally trying to break new ground with this powder coated PEI steel bed.

I just hope that eventually they are successful.

That is very disappointing that this printer was marketed and printers were sent out to youtube reviewers with the PEi powder coated sheets.

I swear I remember reading where Prusa himself said they had been using sheets powder coated with PEI on their print farm for nearly a year already. I wonder what else was different between those sheets and the production mk3 sheets?

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 1:59 am
Trusted Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

From what i understand after talking to a buddy who owns a powder coating and paint shop he says powder coating PEI is not possible. Or at least there is no currently known method to do it and have it adhere well.

He said he could probably do it for a non mechanical use part, like just for corrosion protection on a part that wont be handled or used but not for a part that will see handling or use, he said it wouldn't stand up to the handling without peeling. So i dont think their issue is so much that they picked a bad shop its more of a they need to figure out how to do it first. From what i understand they are literally trying to break new ground with this powder coated PEI steel bed.

I just hope that eventually they are successful.

That is very disappointing that this printer was marketed and printers were sent out to youtube reviewers with the PEi powder coated sheets.

I swear I remember reading where Prusa himself said they had been using sheets powder coated with PEI on their print farm for nearly a year already. I wonder what else was different between those sheets and the production mk3 sheets?

I know the feeling, I just messaged them and got this answer " they are doing a long term stress test and results should be in tomorrow and then they will get it sorted out for shipment after that".
I just hope that line up is not to long. its only been 2 months delayed after the presumed shipping date.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 2:02 am
Prominent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

I've been patient since I ordered the 2.5 upgrade. I was aware it was a pre-order and that shipping might be delayed and I was prepared to wait. But more than four months and still no idea of when it will ship is just too much.

I no longer care about the mythical powder coated sheets, I just want the kit I paid for last year. Stickered PEI would be fine but I have not been offered the option.

Stress testing them? more than four months after offering them for sale?

I have a brand new Mk3 PSU and Einsy here that I paid almost £200 for so that I could use the 2.5 kit to convert my Mk2S Haribo into a full Mk3 - still in box unused.

Very, very disappointed.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 2:27 am
Reputable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

I’m certain Prusa has been using the powder coated sheets on their printer farm, possibly for months now (look at the finish on our’s pretty obvious). I imagine what Prusa has found is they are not holding up well on the farm, and they end up having to replace the sheets far more frequently than expected.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 4:21 am
Koen Kooi
Eminent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

I’m certain Prusa has been using the powder coated sheets on their printer farm, possibly for months now (look at the finish on our’s pretty obvious). I imagine what Prusa has found is they are not holding up well on the farm, and they end up having to replace the sheets far more frequently than expected.

The post from the Prusa people seem to imply that the small scale batch which they are using internally was working well, but the large scale batch had issues that needed to get solved.
Anyway, I'm eagerly awaiting the powercoated beds!

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 9:53 am
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Frankly I am getting to the point where I am over it with these powder coated sheets. Someone mentioned fraud and false advertising EU laws. I know nothing about EU laws, but I would imagine that for a false advertising or fraud claim one would have to prove a fraudulent intent. I don't think Josef had even the slightest fraudulent intent here. In the video demos in at the fair, they had working prototypes. In my mind, at worst, Josef had overly confident promises from a supplier who obviously has not been able to deliver. So, Josef is clearly guilty of counting his chickens before they are hatched. But fraud, nah...

But as I said, my apathy toward the sheets is growing. I am very pleased with the glued PEI sheets. I can damage two sheets (both sides) before needing a replacement and all I have to do is order a new one. On my MK2 I had to order two $12 sheets (in US) and go through the royal pain in the ass of changing it twice. I am glad I will likely not have to go through that crap again.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 10:30 am
Prominent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

The shop now shows the sheets as delayed until late March. Where does that leave the conversion kit orders?

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 3:22 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Sounds like to me they need a new powder coat supplier.

From what i understand after talking to a buddy who owns a powder coating and paint shop he says powder coating PEI is not possible. Or at least there is no currently known method to do it and have it adhere well.

He said he could probably do it for a non mechanical use part, like just for corrosion protection on a part that wont be handled or used but not for a part that will see handling or use, he said it wouldn't stand up to the handling without peeling. So i dont think their issue is so much that they picked a bad shop its more of a they need to figure out how to do it first. From what i understand they are literally trying to break new ground with this powder coated PEI steel bed.

I just hope that eventually they are successful.

Eh..... this has been around a while, PEI coated bed.. (it's not glued):

Perhaps Prusa should look into this then and ditch the steel, these guys obviously found a way to coat aluminum. Maybe prusa should jump on the aluminum bandwagon and ditch the spring steel.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 5:00 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Buildtak also has something similar... I'm hoping they release a replacement plate that fits the MK3...

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 5:04 pm
Active Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

It seems like the release of the MK3 was just rushed, buggy software, issues with rpi zero, powder coated PEI sheets not ready, they wanted to cram a lot of stuff to the MK3 but it wasn't fully tested,
Don't get me wrong I like Prusa, my MK2 prints awesome even if it has less features, I understand that they are bugs to sorted out, nothing is perfect, but don't advertise stuff until you are sure you can deliver, the textured powder coated PEI sheet was shown as one the main new features, better adhesion. better durability, different texture, etc.
I'll guess we'll have to wait a couple of months if we are lucky.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 5:05 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Perhaps Prusa should look into this then and ditch the steel, these guys obviously found a way to coat aluminum. Maybe prusa should jump on the aluminum bandwagon and ditch the spring steel.

Remember that MK3's bed is not ordinady steel but SPRING steel, so when we bend it million times it will always jump back to flat. If you bend aluminium it will stay that way, it won't go back to flat...

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 5:49 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Perhaps Prusa should look into this then and ditch the steel, these guys obviously found a way to coat aluminum. Maybe prusa should jump on the aluminum bandwagon and ditch the spring steel.

Remember that MK3's bed is not ordinady steel but SPRING steel, so when we bend it million times it will always jump back to flat. If you bend aluminium it will stay that way, it won't go back to flat...

Obviously spring steel would be better for our use, but if they cant find a way to properly coat it, and there is already a way to properly coat aluminum, Prusa may have to make a choice to go with whats possible over whats impossible.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 6:25 pm
Prominent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

There would be no point in a hard ali plate. The whole point of the steel plate is it can be flexed to pop the print off. I would always choose the spring steel with stick on PEI over a solid ali plate.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 6:35 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Aluminium isnt magnetic. So worthless to have an aluminum sheet on the mk3. 😆

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 6:51 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Aluminium isnt magnetic. So worthless to have an aluminum sheet on the mk3. 😆
yea so as useful as a powder coated spring steel one lol

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 7:41 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

Obviously spring steel would be better for our use, but if they cant find a way to properly coat it, and there is already a way to properly coat aluminum, Prusa may have to make a choice to go with whats possible over whats impossible.

Nathan, it seems that you don't understand the point... let me explain again: aluminium can't be bent without damaging it! As i wrote above: when you bend it first time it will STAY BENT and ruined very first time you bend it! So, using aluminium isn't "what's possible" but it's quite useless in prusa situation, because main and only goal is to remove the bed and BEND it in order to remove part easily.
And, as teije.k said: aluminium isn't magnetic, so it's useless again for prusa situation.
IN builtak shop aluminium plate is manufactured only AT REQUEST. That tells me something: noone orders it, since it's useless...otherwise they would have some stock. Something also tells me that it's quite thick, for the very reason so it won't bend.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 7:52 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Powder Coated PEI Sheets

IN builtak shop aluminium plate is manufactured only AT REQUEST. That tells me something: noone orders it, since it's useless...otherwise they would have some stock. Something also tells me that it's quite thick, for the very reason so it won't bend.

If you mean BuildTak you may be confusing posts I'm pretty sure they use spring steel as well... I'm really hoping they release something for the MK3 myself.

Opublikowany : 01/03/2018 8:13 pm
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