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New User Odd power Glitch  

New Member
New User Odd power Glitch

Hi all
Just reporting a successful build as a new 3D printer owner from the kit version. Initially passed all setup with the wizard and updated to 3.1.3 firmware and then failed the check on the Y axis. Figured this out as a Y belt that was too loose, after taking off the heat bed and re-adjusting all is good. Printed the logo and then tried Benchy. I was extremely pleased with the outcome (picture attached.) As it was coming up to 98% finished I was investigating some vibrations as it was finishing the smokestack/chimney. I tried putting my finger on the Y axis motor to see if that was the source and experienced a static shock and the print stopped like it had lost power. The good news is the print resumed after waiting for things to heat up and finished as it should. My query is "Is this a result of grounding issues as reported by others and should I attach an extra ground lead as others have who have experienced random resets?" Seems odd as I was touching the frame earlier while checking things out with no problems.
Looking forward to more insight.

Posted : 21/03/2018 5:21 am
Honorable Member
Re: New User Odd power Glitch

was it a "pop" of a static shock? or more of a "Oooooo Electricity!!!" or "OH ** THAT WAS A LIVE WIRE * SOMEONE TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL"

I have been shocked by just about everything under the sun... So I'm just trying to figure out how many volts this way.

"POP" static shock, and then "nothing". (Sudden discharge) sounds like a static issue.
"OOooooooo Electricy" is is a high voltage VERY low amprage. (I grabbed hold of a metal fan case that ran at 220v when I worked in automotive. It was VERY unplesant, but it's hard to say it was very "painful" either.) This would be caused by a short in your power supply, either 110, or 220, and could be EXTREMELY dangerous. We are talking it has the potential to kill you, and elevate to the "OH * THAT WAS A LIVE WIRE" level.

Most people can't feel 24 volts. (too much skin resistance) And those who can, typically describe it as "a small pinch" and "barely noticeable". So I highly doubt there is a issue with the stepper motor wiring at all.

Next up is the power supply. Depending on if you run 110 or 220... If the frame was grounded to mains, and shocked you... you likely wouldn't be posting it here. So I doubt that's what happend. 😛
There is a possibility of the frame having a "floating" voltage near the voltage of the mains, which in theory could give you a electric shock, but it would be just like static. The thing about this theory, is, Why would the printer reboot. No 220v surge is gonna bother the power supply.

Here's what I think happend.
Your got a static charge somehow. A bloody good one. (Hey, it happens to the best of us) and when you touched the motor, you sent a power surge through the motor to the main board, and somehow, forced a reset.

If you have a multimeter, see if your Y motor (the casing) is eletrically connected to the power supply case. If it is, there's a possibility it was some power leakage from the psu though.

Hi, I'm Sean. I used to work on CNC machines.
I try to not make mistakes, but the decision is YOURS.
Please feel free to donate to my filament/maintance fund.

Posted : 21/03/2018 9:16 am