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new Cabinet for Prusa printer  

Active Member
new Cabinet for Prusa printer

we have new cabinet for our new Prusa MK3 in PC lab.
Printer is behind glass and we have 3 socket
One for tools
One for cleening things (aceton; alcohol; windex; ...)
One for 12 fillament pack

Posted : 30/01/2018 12:48 pm
Estimable Member
Re: new Cabinet for Prusa printer

Did you build this? Buy this? Available anywhere?

I just built a table from the IKEA lack tables, but this one is interesting also. Why so tall though? Seems there is a lot of wasted space in the printer compartment.

Posted : 30/01/2018 9:00 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: new Cabinet for Prusa printer

We have good cabinetmaker (joiner).
All this is made to order.
I found cabinet from IKEA lack. For home is perfect, but i need two same cabinet and dont have time for building.

We have it tall for
- future upgrades on mullticolor
- need printer and filament under lock
- i dont know how many space i need for good temperature ... it was estimate
- cabinet have more lifetime than printer ... i am prepare on next generation or different model

Posted : 31/01/2018 8:33 am
Trusted Member
Re: new Cabinet for Prusa printer

Thats a sweet looking cabinet indeed. Very nice work

Posted : 31/01/2018 6:35 pm
Active Member
Re: new Cabinet for Prusa printer

I built this as a dust cover but might make it it into a usable enclosure.

Posted : 31/01/2018 8:06 pm
Eminent Member
Re: new Cabinet for Prusa printer

Do you guys know what the external dimentions of the MK3 are (without spool holder and including a rough extra amount for the wires to be free)?

Posted : 31/01/2018 8:56 pm
Trusted Member
Re: new Cabinet for Prusa printer

I love that design and is something I been looking everywhere for something similar to that and would love to buy something like that. If you sold something like that with a few modifications to it I am sure you would make a killing selling those. I know I would buy it as long as its decently priced that is.

I could see adding some kind of light source like LED or similar to make the case light up as well as maybe some kind of wheels to move the case around as needed.

Posted : 01/02/2018 3:57 pm