MK3 ABS parts
Can't find the post where Josef mentions what the MK3 parts are printed out of.
I know the majority are PET but there were some done in ABS - can anyone point me to this info please?
Re: MK3 ABS parts
I also didn't see anywhere about infil percentage. Both infos would be very welcome.
Re: MK3 ABS parts
I don't have a source but I thought only the fan shroud was ABS now.
Re: MK3 ABS parts
Can't find the post where Josef mentions what the MK3 parts are printed out of.
I know the majority are PET but there were some done in ABS - can anyone point me to this info please?
just the fan shroud (or wathever it is called). this are also not a standard sliced files with shells and infill settings... they use modified parts with reinforcments on specific positions. you would need their gcodes to reprint it exactly like on the farm