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Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time  

Active Member
Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

So I am new to 3d printing and have had my 2S for about 2 months. This was purchased to support a crafting hobby of my wife's. So now with the options of the 2.5 upgrade or full 3 upgrade is the 2.5 upgrade putting good money on an ended machine. In other words will future developments lean towards the 24V system and software of the full Mk 3? While the 2.5 gives many of the advantages at a reduced price - does the 24V side of the house and the new board over shadow that. While the increased cost of the full upgrade is not insignificant - if that's the direction is it better than putting $150 US into what may not be upgradeable down the road? Thoughts?

On a side note - does anyone here have any opinions on a good "hobby grade" 3d scanner that's worth a darn? I appreciate your time and opinions.

Posted : 27/10/2017 1:14 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

I also think that the 2.5 is a good upgrade - but I also fear that this is the "last" update that the machine will be getting. This is not unrealistic I think.

But no-one except Prusa Research themselves know if there even will be a MK3S or even a MK4 in the future. Maybe the next big thing will be the "i4" with no way to update to from an i3.

Personally I have chosen to take the MK3 update path - so I am betting there will be an I3 release after MK3. I really hope this goes that way:-)

So I think it depends on the money you are willing to spend now - if you know that you are happy with all the MK2.5 offers, go for it.

If you could benefit from the better raspberry pi integration or the power panic or the silent stepper motor drivers, maybe you should go MK3

Posted : 27/10/2017 3:01 pm
Active Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

I agree that the MKS2.5 path is likely a dead end, but for more than the obvious reasons (12 v, etc). The current software load is using over 90% of the available memory in the ATMega2560. Soon they are going to be spending as much time making room for new features as actually coding them. Worse, the 1/256 microstep capable Trinamic drivers on the EINSY board are only being driven at 1/16 because the ATMega2560 can't drive them at full speed. Eventually, market forces and code size are going to force a change to a 32 bit controller.

So how does this all relate to the upgrade? If the next major rev of the electronics is 32 bit, any upgrade will require their replacement. This would add perhaps US$150-200 to the cost of any upgrade. If you are considering the MK3 full upgrade based on the possibility of future upgrades alone, save your money. Then again, if you absolutely must have the latest and greatest...

Posted : 29/10/2017 8:14 am
Trusted Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

Personally, I opted for mk2s to mk3 upgrade because I'm expecting it to be upgradable in the future. I suspect the mk2.5 will be a dead-end. I love the idea that you could have bought a mk0 (3.0mm version) and upgrade all the way through to the latest version. I'm hoping this continues.

I think the mk2.5 is the better option financially though.

I also have a mk2smm but I'll wait until next year to upgrade that.

Posted : 29/10/2017 1:54 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

I am also afraid that the MK2.5 would be a dead end. 😕 A great 3d printer nevertheless. But it will be complicated to upgrade it further in the coming years.

I chose to stay with my current MK2S, which is an awesome machine, and have a look on the MK3S, MK4 or i4 in the next two years.

- Noctua fan 40mm
- MK2/MK3 hybrid extruder

Posted : 03/11/2017 11:10 am
Kido Dreauw
New Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

look into old kinect for 3d scanning, it works great for me

Posted : 03/11/2017 10:58 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

look into old kinect for 3d scanning, it works great for me

My wife has an XBOX 360 with Kinect. I tested it out the other day with semi-decent results with extremely poor lighting. I can't wait to try it out with better lighting.

1) If you get the XBOX 360 Version, get the power adapter
2) if you get the Windows Version, it comes with the adapter and has some better hardware which allows you to scan closer.

Posted : 04/11/2017 9:17 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

look into old kinect for 3d scanning, it works great for me

look into old kinect for 3d scanning, it works great for me

My wife has an XBOX 360 with Kinect. I tested it out the other day with semi-decent results with extremely poor lighting. I can't wait to try it out with better lighting.

1) If you get the XBOX 360 Version, get the power adapter
2) if you get the Windows Version, it comes with the adapter and has some better hardware which allows you to scan closer.

How good are these for scanning objects for accuracy and precision, simply to understand their capabilities?

If the goal was to scan mechanical parts what is the resolution like? Example for argument sake a ~6” object with no orthogonal references?

And what do people use to touch up and correct a models geometry once they have a scanned model and correct it from “as measured” known dimensions?

Very interested in knowing which direction to go, really hope that photogrammetry with the iPhone X becomes a big thing!

Considering the sensors are said to me a smaller “modern and better” implementation of the Kinect sensors.

Hope... I have not seen anything specifically saying this was going to even be possible or even plausible yet.

Would love to hear any information from those that know or could even speculate.

Posted : 05/11/2017 6:24 am
Estimable Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

look into old kinect for 3d scanning, it works great for me

look into old kinect for 3d scanning, it works great for me

My wife has an XBOX 360 with Kinect. I tested it out the other day with semi-decent results with extremely poor lighting. I can't wait to try it out with better lighting.

1) If you get the XBOX 360 Version, get the power adapter
2) if you get the Windows Version, it comes with the adapter and has some better hardware which allows you to scan closer.

How good are these for scanning objects for accuracy and precision, simply to understand their capabilities?

If the goal was to scan mechanical parts what is the resolution like? Example for argument sake a ~6” object with no orthogonal references?

And what do people use to touch up and correct a models geometry once they have a scanned model and correct it from “as measured” known dimensions?

Very interested in knowing which direction to go, really hope that photogrammetry with the iPhone X becomes a big thing!

Considering the sensors are said to me a smaller “modern and better” implementation of the Kinect sensors.

Hope... I have not seen anything specifically saying this was going to even be possible or even plausible yet.

Would love to hear any information from those that know or could even speculate.

So far I've only tested it with me in a poorly lit office. It came out surprisingly OK. It did leave a giant hole in my head, but that is likely due to black hair and dark room. I haven't tested it out much yet because I have wanted to take it mobile. Its a clunky setup with all the cables and adapters, but I was thinking of zip-tying them together to decrease the bulk. Right now, I have a nice desktop that Skanect ran great on. My other computer is a chromebook with updated storage and a Atom based tablet that I used to update my printer's firmware and run Software to play with settings on my car. The tablet went AWOL when I connected the Kinect. Never got around to testing it as the tablet would become unresponsive and just start pressing buttons everywhere. What I'm thinking of doing is Dual-Booting my chromebook with GalliumOS and trying that. The chromebook doesn't have a dedicated GPU, so I'm not expecting much from it either.

Check out the Skanect software on YouTube. I'm not sure yet of the the precision of the Kinect yet. There are some great results from it though.
Aren't the sensors on the iPhone X only on the front though? That would be awkward trying to scan something.

Posted : 05/11/2017 8:46 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

Right now, I have a nice desktop that Skanect ran great on.

Check out the Skanect software on YouTube. I'm not sure yet of the the precision of the Kinect yet.
There are some great results from it though.

Aren't the sensors on the iPhone X only on the front though? That would be awkward trying to scan something.

Skanect looks pretty cool !

Is there a good place/forum to go to read and see what is coming and avalible? What people are successfully using etc.

The idea with the iPhone was hoping that someone would put together a automated app... and use a turntable. Perhaps even the motion sensors could be utilized to accurately place the devices movement in 3D space VERY well while it is accumulating data.
There are also ways to control iOS devices from a 2nd device if the issue is controls or even a live preview of the current scan.

It is a stretch, admittedly, but sometimes/many times the platform can produce a environment that can cater to the masses, and thus the impetus to drive the creation of tools like this.

I have read several blurbs about the idea, not sure if its even technically possible being as apple has a tight grip on certain items APIs technical restrictions though the legitimate platform.

Hoping hard though, I have a feeling that it could be a portable scanner in your pocket, quality of scan acuracy and precision, I have not seen anyone speculate based on the hardwares capabilities yet.

Posted : 06/11/2017 3:18 am
Honorable Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

i was really please to read this talk of using a Kinect as a 3D scanner... It had never crossed my mind before.

CEX in the UK have them (With PSU) for £10 and my local store have some in stock.. So I am heading out later to pick one up as I would like to try this....

Posted : 06/11/2017 11:38 am
Estimable Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

i was really please to read this talk of using a Kinect as a 3D scanner... It had never crossed my mind before.

CEX in the UK have them (With PSU) for £10 and my local store have some in stock.. So I am heading out later to pick one up as I would like to try this....

Just make sure its the Version 1 that looks like the XBOX 360 one and not the XBOX One version. Also if its the XBOX version it won't come with a power cord. The Windows version comes with the power cord and is slightly better hardware (works from closer).

Posted : 06/11/2017 9:35 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

Got one today (with power cord) Its the V1 (V2 available for the same price but i read it wasnt supported.

Had a quick play amd got it working with no effort.. did a quick scan of a colleague and printed it and its really quite impressive for my first attempt with no “clean up” performed.

Going to have a proper play when i get time.

Posted : 06/11/2017 10:16 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

Got one today (with power cord) Its the V1 (V2 available for the same price but i read it wasnt supported.

Had a quick play amd got it working with no effort.. did a quick scan of a colleague and printed it and its really quite impressive for my first attempt with no “clean up” performed.

Going to have a proper play when i get time.

Where would a person pick something like this up inexpensively?

Used Videogame Store?

What details would we need to know about model numbers to make sure we get the proper unit?

What does something like that run for cost? I read ~$15, but I may have misinterpreted.

What software software did you use?

Posted : 07/11/2017 7:52 am
Honorable Member
Re: Mk 2S to 2.5 Crystal Ball Time

in the UK we have a store called CEX (Computer Exchange) where they have 2nd Kinects for £10.

As for version, you simply want the V1 rather than V2.

Have a look here for some good info.

Posted : 07/11/2017 9:23 am