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Trusted Member

Hello Everybody,

I just got a Mintemp_Bed error in the middle of a print after about 3 hours. (PLA Bed set to 60°) So as fas i understand this means that the temperature of the bed thermistor is either not connected or reading below 15° (or so)
is that correct?
It is somewhat cold in this room but since it was mid print i cant realy belive that that is the problem.
I just checked the cable and it all seems well connected. Nothing was kinked. Zip ties not cutting in the wire.
unplugged and replugged the Thermistor cable on the EINSY board. Switched it back on and it seems to work properly now.

Now what could be the problem here? the printer ran for about 10 hours in total.
Even if it works now i kind of want to know why this happend and be sure it doesnt happen again...

Thanks for all the tipps i can get


Update: Just happened again while moving the Y Axis. I guess i will check the Thermistor Cable again to try to figure out if there is some sort of losse connection...

Posted : 07/12/2017 7:44 pm
Reputable Member Prusa-Translations

Hello Everybody,

I just got a Mintemp_Bed error in the middle of a print after about 3 hours. (PLA Bed set to 60°) So as fas i understand this means that the temperature of the bed thermistor is either not connected or reading below 15° (or so)
is that correct?
It is somewhat cold in this room but since it was mid print i cant realy belive that that is the problem.
I just checked the cable and it all seems well connected. Nothing was kinked. Zip ties not cutting in the wire.
unplugged and replugged the Thermistor cable on the EINSY board. Switched it back on and it seems to work properly now.

Now what could be the problem here? the printer ran for about 10 hours in total.
Even if it works now i kind of want to know why this happend and be sure it doesnt happen again...

Thanks for all the tipps i can get


Update: Just happened again while moving the Y Axis. I guess i will check the Thermistor Cable again to try to figure out if there is some sort of losse connection...

measure the resistance if you can

Posted : 07/12/2017 7:49 pm
Trusted Member
Topic starter answered:

Found the Problem. Bending the cable at a specific position just a little switches the thermistor on and off. no idea how that could have happend. It was spiral wrapped at that point. ❓ 😕

Well i guess i might as well delete this and just get in contact with support.

Posted : 07/12/2017 8:10 pm
Trusted Member

Certainly don't delete this post. It's good information for anyone else that may encounter this problem.

Posted : 07/12/2017 10:53 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member

While waiting for support, if you find a point where you can bend a wire and you then get a min-temp error, three possibilities:

  • there is a broken wire, or a short between the wires, somewhere affected by the bend or tension you are applying

  • the connection to the thermistor is frayed or weak

  • the connection to the einsy is frayed, lose, or weak.
  • If you have a volt-ohm meter, you could pull that wire (painful, I know) and try to wiggle it and see if you can reproduce either a short between the multiple conductors, or an 'open' between the ends on one of the conductors. If you can, replace that cable. If not, check the connections at the ends.

    Definitely worth getting support help on, btw. My advice is just to give you something to try while you wait.

    Posted : 08/12/2017 12:15 am
    Trusted Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: MINTEMP_BED Error

    Support already helped me (i love this chat support!) Replacement is soon to be shipped.

    Yea it is definetly a broken Wire. i was able to pinpoint as close as a 1mm of cable that i need to bend to switch the termistor on and off. It is about 5-6 mm after the Zip tie on the Headbed. so in an area covered by the Spiral wrap going to the electronics.
    I cant realy rule out that i did something to that wire. But i was carefull during assembly and always watched for cables when moving the printer during assembly so i would not put it ontop of a wire. I cant realy see any bend or kink in the wire.
    What confuses me is that it worked for about 10 hours perfectly. and with the problem beeing in the Nylon supported spiral wrapped part of the wire i have no idea how i could get broken. But i have to guess there was some sort of damage prior to running the printer and than any small movements might do the trick.

    So hopefully not a lot of people encounter the same problem and since i cant find any button to delete this threat it might just stay here as help for the future.

    I will probably try to fix the wire myself bevor any replacement gets here to play around with the printer but probably not start a realy long print bevor that...

    Posted : 08/12/2017 12:45 am
    Paul Meyer
    Honorable Member
    Re: MINTEMP_BED Error

    Completely your call, but if I were in your position I wouldn't snip 1cm on each side of the bad spot, solder the ends together, and go back to printing benchies and terminator skulls! Temporary hack, but it'll keep you going.

    A simpler possibility: get a toothpick or other small straight piece and tape it as a splint to that part of the wire.

    Posted : 08/12/2017 1:04 am
    Trusted Member
    Topic starter answered:
    Re: MINTEMP_BED Error

    Yea problem is it works while bend and stops working when strait. I had the same idea but cant find something with the correct bending radius thats smal enough to use as a splint 😀

    Posted : 08/12/2017 8:46 am
    Paul Meyer
    Honorable Member
    Re: MINTEMP_BED Error

    Just carefully hold it at the right angle during an 8 hour print! Live stream it on YouTube and we’d all watch and appreciate your dedication to the hobby.

    Posted : 08/12/2017 9:40 am