Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S
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Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S  

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Estimable Member
Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

According to Make Magazine (Vol 60, December 2017/January 2018) the new MK3 drops three score points below the MK2s.

The article does state that they tested "an untuned prototype" and the only "one of two in existence" at the time of their testing.

Hmmm..... Hope this improves!

Posted : 01/11/2017 2:26 am
Estimable Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

There are probably reasons for that score, it would be very interesting to know what those reasons are. Until then, having a discussion about it is pretty much useless, no?

Posted : 01/11/2017 9:08 am
Trusted Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

The new features don't really add to the quality of the print do they? They mainly make it easier to use. So, assuming it prints similar quality, and costs a little bit more cash, and everything else on the market is steadily improving too, then perhaps it genuinely deserves a lower rating?

I've ordered a MK2S -> MK3 upgrade so personally I think its a worthwhile upgrade.

Saying that, I also have a MK2SMM and that can wait until early next year before I throw another $560 at Prusa if I deem the first upgrade worth it.

Posted : 01/11/2017 11:29 am
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

The new features don't really add to the quality of the print do they?

Well in theory the Trinamic stepper drivers will improve part quality.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 01/11/2017 12:00 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

It's kind of fun to try to guess what happened. I could probably come up with some hypotheticals.

Let's say someone takes PR's marketing hyperbole at face value.

They say, "It can print at X mm/s!", for some fanciful value of X. Like 200.

So the reviewer goes, "OK, let's print at 200 mm/s!".

And the print quality suffers.

Maybe... maybe chill on the marketing hyperbole.

Posted : 01/11/2017 4:59 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

So the reviewer goes, "OK, let's print at 200 mm/s!".

Which equates to 16mm^3/sec at 0.2mm layer height and a 0.4mm nozzle. That's 50% more than a V6 can melt, without a huge temperature increase.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 01/11/2017 5:12 pm
New Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

Really, who cares what Make says about a prototype or early model... When it ships, I am sure it will be a better unit than the one tested at Make.. I am also sure that Prusa will not ship till it is ready for prime time...

Many are waiting the outcome of the first shipments to see if it matches or betters Mk2 printing. Prusa probably knows that if it doesn't better the Mk2, sales will drop and Mk2 sales will increase instead.

I will wait to see how well Mk3 performs before buying.

Remember: Your belief does not change Reality!

Posted : 04/11/2017 1:44 am
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

Remember magazine lead times. I remember reading that review a month ago, around the time of the mk3 announce, and it was clearly based off of one of the two pre-production prototypes with work-in-progress everything... Useful information that they got reasonable prints out of it and generally liked it, but not useful as an indication of exact final product quality (positive or negative). I would totally expect some/many of the issues they saw fixed in the final production hardware/firmware/software, and it wouldn't surprise me if compromises made as part of going to real production introduce problems that did not exist in the hand-made prototypes.

We'll see when the real thing comes out.

Posted : 04/11/2017 4:29 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

I wasn't very impressed with that article. It seems like they tested a fair bit, but they were very unspecific with how each criteria was judged. The Raise3D N2 which tied the MK2S for first place may be a very good printer, but it does cost $3000, and doesn't even have automatic bed leveling. In fact leveling the bed is very difficult and there are 7 screws to adjust. Definitely not apples to apples.

Posted : 06/11/2017 4:03 am
Active Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

Most reviews are based on cost.
If you look at the results produced on the Mk2 against the Mk3 I'm guessing they'll be the same.

Therefore if you base your review on cost then the Mk2 comes out on top. It's cheaper and produces the same quality output.

When reading reviews you need to add in your own criteria. How much is the additional ease of use and functionality worth to you.

It's a bit like reviewing a Ford against a BMW.
On paper the spec may be the same they may go as fast as each other but the BMW is significantly more expensive. The review may say the Ford is best based on cost and top speed but lots of folk would pay the extra for the BMW.

By the way . . . I drive a Ford 🙂

Posted : 08/11/2017 8:43 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

What was the cost of the MK2 when it was released?

Posted : 09/11/2017 9:58 am
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

I don't think cost entered into it. They have $300 to $3000 machines all measured on quality together. The mk3 did better than the mk2s (5 vs 4) on vertical surface finish, worse on dimensional accuracy (4/5), bridging (4/5), and squareness (3 vs 5). None of that seems money related. 1 point better, 4 points worse, 43 points instead of 46.

Knowing the changes in the mk3, I would not think dimensional accuracy or squareness would fundamentally suffer from the design changes, which to me means it was a correctable problem with the prototypes. Bridging would either come from the head design (did the mk2s have exactly the same e3dv6 hot?) or a settings/gcode/firmware issue. Again, I'm not concerned but I suspect it was real.

What I read from the review: the prototype worked fine, and they were still working on it. We'll see how it fares when the first production units come out.

One nice thing about the review: I'm sure that Prusa is very focussed on understanding what went wrong (random bad luck? bad settings? design flaw to fix?) and have had several months to address the issues.

Posted : 09/11/2017 1:33 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

Josef said that the software for mk3 was completed during the flight to US ... so those numbers from the test are pretty great regarding this. Don't know why they even send the prototype to test. Maybe they just wanted to be on this "2018 list". So they pushed for this date and now we wait that they calibrate and test everything

What was the cost of the MK2 when it was released?


Posted : 09/11/2017 2:55 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

Is there a link to the report?

I can’t even find vol 60 on

How strange. Or am I blind?:-)

Posted : 10/11/2017 6:12 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

I see it here: {"issue_id":449478,"page":0}

This is the link Make sent me. I believe you need to be a subscriber to see beyond the cover, though.

Posted : 10/11/2017 7:31 pm
Josef Průša
Member Admin
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

Two very first units were flown in by Michal during the Make test in late May 🙂 So thats why. Some of the features were disabled or just barely working. Print settings weren't optimised even 🙂

I don't think it ended badly, we have printer on 1st, 2nd and 3rd place 🙂

Still better than not having MK3 there at all or waiting for 2018 where we probably will have updated model anyways 🙂

So now MK3 has 6 months worth of tuning in it since then, so do not worry it prints inferior 😉

Founder and owner / Majitel a zakladatel
Posted : 14/11/2017 11:49 am
Honorable Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

Hi Josef!

I think you did the right thing with Make and the MK3 - for the reasons you mentioned.

While we are waiting for MK3 you are already planing for the update to the update:-)
That is awesome and frightening at the same time: I am just curious if there still will be an affordable upgrade path. 😯

When you wrote in the announcement video "best extruder yet ;-)" it was clear you already are thinking on iterations and further developments - anything else would be shocking too:-)

But my main concern right now is: when will I get my MK3:-) Do you have plans on updating information about the production processes?

Best regards!

Posted : 14/11/2017 11:58 am
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

Two very first units were flown in by Michal during the Make test in late May 🙂 So thats why. Some of the features were disabled or just barely working. Print settings weren't optimised even 🙂

I don't think it ended badly, we have printer on 1st, 2nd and 3rd place 🙂

Still better than not having MK3 there at all or waiting for 2018 where we probably will have updated model anyways 🙂

So now MK3 has 6 months worth of tuning in it since then, so do not worry it prints inferior 😉

Very reassuring, thanks Josef. I had hoped as much as the article did state it was a very early prototype of the only two in existence at the time.

Posted : 14/11/2017 9:44 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

So now MK3 has 6 months worth of tuning in it since then, so do not worry it prints inferior 😉

Hi Josef! 🙂

Wondering when we might be able to find out more specific details about the MK3? Is there anywhere that goes into more detail that we might read and learn about MK3 hardware while we patiently wait for release?

For example, how will the RP0W be handled , is there a Prusa specific supported version of octoprint? And perhaps recommendations associated with the implementation that we could gather before release? Inhouse iOS monitoring...maybe?

If it is possible to get a smooth (PEI Sheet smooth) print bed at release or if/when it might be avalible? Any chance we might see a dual sided build plate with discrete rough and smooth sides?
Is there a possibility to pick up a "blank" untreated spring steel plate to simply add our own PEI sheet while we wait, if and when a smooth build plate option might become avalible?

Any updated information on if there might be a US based Prusa hub in the hopefully near future?

Would you ever be amenable to developing a Prusa branded Black Silicone sock for the heat block? Particularly since the new included fan shrouds the viewable print area almost totally from the front of the machine, and could help avoid buildup or snags that are unable to be detected from the front easily.

Apologies for the over enthusiasm, this has me more excited than November 3!

Posted : 15/11/2017 10:24 am
Jonathan Kayne
Trusted Member
Re: Make Magazine scores MK3 a few points lower than the MK2S

Apologies for the over enthusiasm, this has me more excited than November 3!

Honestly, this has had me more excited than ever, since its gonna be my Birthday/Hanukkah present for myself! It will definitely make me feel better after finals in college!

I can actually take it to college since its gonna be quiet enough to have in the dorms!

Jonathan Kayne
Virginia Tech Class of 2021 - Electrical Engineering
Thingiverse Profile: "I am always thinking about making. My future begins when I wake up and see the light." - Miles Davis

Posted : 15/11/2017 2:06 pm
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