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It lives i tell you !  

New Member
It lives i tell you !

Hi all just thought i would Introduce myself as Im new to all this.

I ordered my Mk3 in 22Feb 2018 and received it a couple of weeks ago. I started building it 4 days ago having thought it would be best to start when i was Nice and relaxed. After all i thought it may be not such an easy build !
I built it over a few days doing a little any day i had a spare few hours. I felt the key was to take my time and make sure the frame was Perfect. which although initially it looked that way but on tightening not so. With a bit of pressure and torque in the right way all was well. I have to say the rest of the build was simple clear and easy. Thanks to all the instructions. The only bit that seemed to give me trouble was when i loaded the went in the tube then got stuck then pushed hard was fine... Only trouble was the first print i did was 2 colour (which i didnt know !!) the bottle opener. all of a sudden at 85% the printer started bleeping !! i didnt know what to do or when to doit it. Unload filament... press knob...did that but that was when the filament wouldn't load properly. I checked the top cover which appears to have the 2 screw holes in the wrong place !! Turns out that it was pushing on the tube and forcing filament in at a strange angle, ok that can be resolved i thought with a punch and hey presto works and lines up perfect. All in all very happy. Inc a few pics let me know what you think as i have no idea about this printing !!just learning day by day. Thanks to all at prusa.. my idea is to make a top cover in Aluminium when i get a moment on my mill machine.

Posted : 04/05/2018 5:34 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: It lives i tell you !

Heres the Part in question.

Posted : 04/05/2018 5:41 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: It lives i tell you !

That top cover does line up correctly, although it seems like it doesn't.

The trick to getting it in the right place:

Insert the short PTFE into the cover
Insert the cover onto the filament (with spool located on top of printer)
load the filament end into the printer (power off and just pust the filament past the drive pulley
slide the cover down the filament and into place; tighten screws.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Posted : 04/05/2018 6:52 pm