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Example of different PEI bed textures  

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Estimable Member
Re: Example of different PEI bed textures

Thinking out loud.. If the plate had 2 surfaces, it could be different thickness, so this would mean calibrating the Z axis every change you change size..

Wouldn't this be a PITA? To be honest, I say this with no knowledge of how to change the Z axis on the Prusa, but on my Printrbot (also Marlin based) its a bit of a pain. And if you get it wrong, you are either going to print too high, or gouge the bed, so I do it with extreme caution.

Simply calibrating the process to make the Thickness of the "smooth" side match that of the mean average of the "textured" side I think would be the only challenge.

Which wouldn't be markedly different that controlling 2 sides of equal thickness, assuming the slight variances were even an issue.

The mk3 gets calibrated with the metal plate off. Since the total thickness doesn't change by flipping it over, you wouldn't need to adjust the Z height, however, you may need to adjust a tad to make it stick better to one vs the other, but only a small amount. I have to adjust now between materials (which the new pinda probe eliminates... theoretically).

Posted : 18/11/2017 11:17 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Example of different PEI bed textures

Since we have very little information on anything with the MK3 so far.

I did receive a reply back indicating that they absolutely do have smooth bed samples, but that there is no further information about any avalibility forthcoming.

Nor any current possibility to procure a second build plate so we can leverage the ability to hot swap plates. ):

Seemingly purchasing a untreated plate is off as well.

* So back to square one.

Has anyone thought about constructing their own from avalible materials?

There seemingly are appropriately sized spring steel flat sheet out there inexpensivly avalible from looking around.

Does anyone have any ideas on how or from whom to get or procure a piece that has the nessesary attributes to make it suitable for utilizing as a build plate?

"True" flatness probably being one of the most important factors?

Any ideas on thickness or gauge of the sheet that might be advantageous? Something stiff enough to help hold its shape, but thin enough to bend properly?

Are there any K ratings for spring steel sheet? I assume there would be...but haven't really seen anything labled as such in the "inexpensive" channels.

Posted : 20/11/2017 4:13 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Example of different PEI bed textures

this is the answer for all our guessing 🙂

Posted : 29/11/2017 12:39 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Example of different PEI bed textures

3 different types? Which one comes with the MK3? Do we get a choice? Are we able to order different ones?

Posted : 29/11/2017 3:55 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Example of different PEI bed textures

Apparently they are shipping with the glossy yellow PEI (presumably just standard PEI sheets glued to sheet metal), as the powder-coating production is not yielding well.

The other two (smooth/rough powder-coat) will hopefully be available for separate order in January for $20 or so, with a $10 off coupon for mk3 purchasers who get the glossy bed to start. I wonder if I can bundle an extra bed or two with my MM upgrade and save on shipping?

Posted : 29/11/2017 4:03 pm
Honorable Member
Re: Example of different PEI bed textures

Disappointing, as much of the pre-discussions of the MK3 focused on the powder coated sheets... But its not the end of the world, and the voucher means buying the powder coated sheet isn't going to cost too much.

Posted : 29/11/2017 4:19 pm
Paul Meyer
Honorable Member
Re: Example of different PEI bed textures

I'm actually not that disappointed. The main advantage of the steel sheet for me was that it was removable and flexible. I could pull one off, let it cool a bit, start printing on another, and then pop the first print off.

I think all of that will still apply with 'regular PEI' sheet. It'll also have the advantage of a glass smooth bottom (at least until I scratch it up!) I'll probably get one of each of the other sheets at some point to see how they work, but I suspect I'll be fine with the straight PEI, still a significant improvement over the inflexible glass/PEI beds I work with now.

Posted : 29/11/2017 5:13 pm
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