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Downloaded printed parts inaccurate  

Dave Roper
Active Member
Downloaded printed parts inaccurate

Hello I am new to Prusa and a relative novice although I have managed to print some things successfully.
However I have downloaded parts files for printed parts specifically extruder body,extruder cover and extruder idler for the mk3 which I purchased from a kit successfully. I had a problem after a short while with the extruder
Body getting very hot and beginning to melt. After successfully printing the files I found that I could not insert
The extruder hot end due to the new extruder body and cover having too small apertures for the hot end to fit.
I used the latest files online. Has anyone else had this problem and is there a remedy other than remodelling the
printed parts.
Otherwise I am very happy with the machine. I would be very grateful for any help that can be given.
Thank you.

Posted : 16/02/2018 7:44 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Downloaded printed parts inaccurate

What material did you print the replacements? If you printed in ABS, it will warp a little and you can account for that by scaling your print up a tad. PETG shouldn't warp very much and is what is used stock on the mk3.

Posted : 16/02/2018 8:04 pm
Dave Roper
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Downloaded printed parts inaccurate

Andrew thank you for your reply. I have printed in both PLA and ABS and the ABS one is the more accurate of the two.I will try your suggestion and scale up a bit. thank you for your help.

Posted : 16/02/2018 8:25 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Downloaded printed parts inaccurate

No problem. I haven't used ABS plastic (my printers are next to the Air return in my house). I think from what I've read maybe a 5% scale should be a good place to start. Or you could measure the difference of what you got on x,y, and z and compare it to what you were expecting from the model and use the percentage there to scale each axis independently. If you need help with the size of the stl files, you can use fusion 360 measure feature to figure out all those perameters and use a digital caliper to figure out what you got and increase from there.

Posted : 16/02/2018 8:40 pm
Dave Roper
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Downloaded printed parts inaccurate

Thank you again.I also have only used ABS twice the first being on a makerbot printer the other was on the MK3.
I will do as you suggest after I have acquired some more ABS filament.

Posted : 16/02/2018 8:45 pm