Different z-settings in Slic3er and Simplify3D
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Different z-settings in Slic3er and Simplify3D  

New Member
Different z-settings in Slic3er and Simplify3D

I switched from Slic3r to Simplify3D. Now I noticed that I had to readjust my settings for the Z offset on the printer. Has anyone noticed or have I set any settings in S3D wrong here?

Besides, I can not get a nice first layer anymore. It now looks like this:

Posted : 22/02/2018 8:57 am
Estimable Member
Re: Different z-settings in Slic3er and Simplify3D

reduce the print width for the 1st layer a bit. around 95%

Posted : 22/02/2018 12:26 pm