Be careful during assembly
i just broke some material on my X-Idler during assembly. 👿 The screw pulled the mateerial without any resistance.
So be careful during the assembly.
I gave Prusa a headsup and my MK2 is busy printing a new part
Re: Be careful during assembly
Thats scary..... at least you have another printer to print a replacement!
Re: Be careful during assembly
I don't understand. Which part is broken in the picture?
Re: Be careful during assembly
I don't understand. Which part is broken in the picture?
I may be mistaken, but looks like the nut went through the plastic where is should have stopped? I think that's where the belt would be attached.
Re: Be careful during assembly
There is a hole for the screw head with a small ledge. And the screw "peeled" off the ledge.
Re: Be careful during assembly
There is a hole for the screw head with a small leadge. And the screw "peeled" off the leadge.
Can you speculate on what might have caused the issue?
Physical size of the hole?
Failure of the plastic?
Perhaps a infill setting?
A separation of the layers that did not bond correctly?
Perhaps too much torque applied to the screw driving the nut into the plastic?
Since you have the physical part in front of you, could you speculate on a fix if it is the part that is at fault?
Perhaps a washer?
Re: Be careful during assembly
I assembled that part late last night. I would guess i applied quite alot of force to pull the Nut in but my part is fine. Not sure if it matters but mine is with black printed parts.
The only Problem i had is that on that particular part the hole for the linear bearing had a little ridge on one side but you are supposed to but the Bearings in from both sides. so not sure if thats just printed little bit wrong or if the instructions are wrong and you are supposed to assemble them both from the same side.
i didnt take a picture so i marked the little ridge with shittie paint drawing on the picture from assembly manual 😀
Edit: i might have marked the wrong opening. I cant check right now. But the little ridge was on both parts on one side each.
Re: Be careful during assembly
I also have that ridge, i think its from the first layer.
I just checked, the MK2 has the same desgin for the X-Idler. So my guess is that there was some kind of fault with the part i received.
BTW. Prusa offered me to send a replacment, so thumbs up for CS. I declined and printed it my self 😎
Re: Be careful during assembly
That little ridge can be trimmed with a X-Acto knife if it is preventing the bearing from entering. Many of the printed parts may need some cleanup.
Re: Be careful during assembly
FYI: with the new printed part all is well. and i can tighten the screw without breaking the part 😀
in the newly printed part the fit on the bearings is tighter than the original, so i will be printing the other side too.