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Am I the only one  

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Estimable Member
Re: Am I the only one

Has anyone actually been notified by Prusa via e-mail? I mean, if you weren't part of this forum or continuously refreshing your order page to see when it ships, you still would not know about the issue with the powder-coated bed being delayed. That's messed up. They need to have a formal e-mail notifying people that they aren't going to get what they expect instead of just shipping them out and saying sorry later.

Check your mailbox. I got a mail that covered exactly what you are saying about 10 minutes ago. Weirdly, almost exactly the time you posted! If it weren't for the fact that the mail probably took a few hours to assemble/edit, I'd say they read your post and broadcast an email.

Subject: "Your MK3 important shipping information"

Contents: explains the sheet issue, discusses options, discusses the newly published shipping schedules.

Lol, yeah I just got it.

Veröffentlicht : 01/12/2017 8:53 pm
New Member
Re: Am I the only one

I posted a few days ago about not being happy with the original way they were handling the sheet issue. One of the potential fixesI listed was for free shipping to be offered in addition to the voucher, and it looks like they decided to go that route. I feel 100% better about all of this and I can't wait to get my hands on my printer. Major thumbs up to Prusa for how they handled everything.

Veröffentlicht : 02/12/2017 6:48 am
Christopher Tilley
Trusted Member
Re: Am I the only one

Now free shipping of the PEI sheet? too late, I canceled my printer yesterday, good luck to everyone.

lmao. Awesome. Glad you canceled.

Yeah, you are so genius, keep up with that attitude.


Hope you’re happy with whatever printer you do end up buying (if you’re patient enough to ever receive one).

Veröffentlicht : 02/12/2017 3:32 pm
New Member
Re: Am I the only one

I'm very happy to continue to do business with PRUSA.

Veröffentlicht : 02/12/2017 8:22 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Am I the only one

Some people would bitch if their balls were on fire.

Veröffentlicht : 03/12/2017 4:27 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Am I the only one

Some people would bitch if their balls were on fire.

I'm very happy to continue to have my balls on fire.

Veröffentlicht : 04/12/2017 12:30 am
Active Member
Re: Am I the only one

You can get the PEI sheet, you can hold your order until January, or you can cancel. I don't see the problem. Unless your livelihood depends on getting a powder coated sheet in December, you haven't been harmed. Seeing as how they are always backordered, I don't see Prusa being damaged by a few impatient or needy customers cancelling their orders, so my hope is that those customers will cancel and go buy something else so the forum won't be so littered with whining. Doesn't seem likely though, I think those people are just begging to get a free sheet...

Veröffentlicht : 04/12/2017 1:02 am
Estimable Member
Re: Am I the only one

I see a lot of discussion on this one, so I'll keep my post short...
1. Consumers expect the product, as described, when products.
2. The 3D printing community is a niche, where you have both pro's, prosumers, and consumers.
3. I felt the same ugly feeling when I read...but to add to that, customer support gave an estimate of shipping early December. Ended up being January 8. Well, ok then. My plans were changed. Then to add to that, I am told I can either accept it with a substitute PEI sheet on Jan 8 with a $10 voucher to get the powder coated spring steel I wanted (advertised to be included - why I was willing to drop $800 on something I'd not see in 3 months) for an additional $20, or wait until Jan 31, perhaps longer.
4. Then new orders on Black Friday gets a PRUSA t-shirt. Guess who does not? People like me, who wanted to early adopt on the MK3, preordered it, who will have to deal with what amounts to a different product than ordered, OR wait for a month, OR cancel an order.

All that said, this series of events has left a bad taste in my mouth that rivals my ex's onion, egg, and asparagus salad! All to just say "Well whoops, I apologize. :: shrugs ::"

I still am waiting, very patiently, but this should be taken by Mr. Prusa's team as feedback, as to how I feel, despite my acceptance of the only real choice offered: Wait.... more...then shell out the additional $20.... chalking it up to a "don't early adopt."

To be VERY clear (since a lot of jerks in here like to say "oh it's just a whiner), in advance of your trollery:
1. $800 isn't pocket change.
2. I believe in what PRUSA can do and deliver.
3. I want that printer. I get it. Crap happens.
4. I don't care what forum trolls think.
5. I care enough to be real with Prusa with what's going thru my head - and not to tear them down. They have done a lot of good.
That said....Any business has to have an idea on the sentiment of its customers, be it thru forums or text analytics algorithms like with Clarabridge.
6. Q: What should Prusa's team do?
A:That's their prerogative. Maybe they've done all they can. Maybe not, in the eyes of some. I'm not going to answer this question.

Veröffentlicht : 05/12/2017 8:09 am
Active Member
Re: Am I the only one

Wow, thanks for the heads up.

I completely agree with your sentiment - first of all, I wouldn't want the glued PEI sheet - why would I? I already have that on my MK2, and dread the day when I need to replace it (with putting it into the freezer, using acetone, etc etc - that's a LOT of work). The powder coated PEI is supposed to fix it and be robust against scratches. I specifically ordered because it said I'll get the PEI sheet, and no matter what "group" I consider myself to be in (and frankly, having built a printer and heavily modding it for months before getting a Prusa I do count myself slightly more to the "actually serious" group), I would feel cheated if someone pulled the ol' switcheroo on me, and gave me something much cheaper. Frankly, I count myself as a computer enthusiast, and if I, say, order something bleeding edge and my order gets swapped out, I'd not be okay with that either. Has nothing to do with being a child.

This would have needed to be opt in - the variable part of the order was the shipment date, not the product ordered. Hence by default you should only change the variable part yourself.
(Removed the part about asking for an e-mail - support told me upgrade kits are not affected, and the rest has been e-mailed.)

No what makes them children is that they are crying despite the available options.
- You want a Power Coated sheet, contact Customer Service and tell them to hold your order until it's available.

Sorry, I'm a friggen adult, and making this opt-out and not opt-in is what the "crying" is about. What's really to cry about are the apologetics trying to blame the victims.
You should post your e-mail address and everyone signs you up for all the spam newsletters (those without verification, you know)? I mean, you can still opt-out, so there's nothing wrong with that - right?

Opt-out is evil.

Veröffentlicht : 10/12/2017 11:53 am
Active Member
Thickness of glue on sheet vs. powder coated

I'm wondering if the net thickness will be the same. I don't care that much myself about glued vs. powdercoated, except that I'd want all my printbeds to be the same height, so I don't have to re-do the z adjust when swapping beds. Seems unlikely they will be the same, so I'll probably wait for the powdercoated ones.

Veröffentlicht : 11/12/2017 4:25 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Thickness of glue on sheet vs. powder coated

I'm wondering if the net thickness will be the same. I don't care that much myself about glued vs. powdercoated, except that I'd want all my printbeds to be the same height, so I don't have to re-do the z adjust when swapping beds. Seems unlikely they will be the same, so I'll probably wait for the powdercoated ones.

Bed is self leveling so should not matter.

Veröffentlicht : 11/12/2017 6:04 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Am I the only one

No what makes them children is that they are crying despite the available options.
- You want a Power Coated sheet, contact Customer Service and tell them to hold your order until it's available.

Sorry, I'm a friggen adult, and making this opt-out and not opt-in is what the "crying" is about. What's really to cry about are the apologetics trying to blame the victims.
You should post your e-mail address and everyone signs you up for all the spam newsletters (those without verification, you know)? I mean, you can still opt-out, so there's nothing wrong with that - right?

Opt-out is evil.

The remark was directed at the fact that people were crying above the available options. Kind of like you take a kid to a store and say you want an Ice Cream, kid gets really excited, you find out the store is out of Ice-Cream. You explain to the kid that the store is out of Ice-Cream, we'll by something else now and get an Ice-Cream tomorrow. Kid doesn't understand and cries that he wants an ice-cream now...

I agree with Opt-In vs Opt-Out, sounds like they tried Opt-In with the initial emails but received over-whelming response to ship it now so they went with Opt-Out to avoid further delays.

Veröffentlicht : 11/12/2017 7:45 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Am I the only one

I purchased my mk2s on 9-18. Less than week later the mk3 comes out and my mk2s' value dropped $100USD before it even reached my doorstep the following day.

Although I did experience some buyer's remorse, I ordered the mk3 on 9-24 to reserve my spot in queue ("...and it's bloody smart.").

On 10-18 I received the $100USD voucher ... with this caveat "You can apply the voucher for $100 discount not only on an MK2.5 upgrade which will be only $99 but also on the full MK3 upgrade or even a new MK2S or MK3 printer. The decision is on you, but you have to decide by the end of the year when the voucher expires."

I was tempted by the mk2.5 upgrade but held out because I've spent $1600 already. The magnetic bed has turned into somewhat of a fiasco and I'm glad I waited. I'll order the upgrade next year 😀 .

I was also tempted by the mk2s Black Friday sale...$499 (w/free shipping & $100 voucher). 😯

Jakub was kind enough to sort out my voucher and apply it to my 9-24 purchase. Thank you Jakub.

Veröffentlicht : 12/12/2017 1:56 am
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