A Build Report
First, to Josef and the rest of the team:
I’m blown away by this printer. This is the first 3D printer I’ve ever owned, any it is by far the best that I’ve used before. The instructions were awesome, and the manual was super clear. The printer went together without ANY major issues (one minor issue, which I’ll address). I know its been a busy few months for you all, but honestly its paid off. Thank you all.
Now, to the rest of the forum: a build report.
Build took me about 6 hours. I did not have a stop watch, but that sounds about right.
As I mentioned before, there were zero major issues during assembly. However, there was one issue which I wanted to share here, so that people may be able to avoid it.
On my initial Self Test, the X axis kept failing. I double checked everything, and was scouring the forums for a while to find some ideas. I’ll just cut to the chase here: check your zip ties!! The two zip ties that hold the wire bundle closest to the back of the extruder may stick out a little too far, and bump the frame. If you’re diagnosing, I’d say just cut the zip tie and check if thats the issue. You can always put a new one back on later.
Once I cleared that roadblock, it was smooth sailing. Rest of the calibration went nicely, even though it did take me a two tries to get the PINDA positioned properly. From solving my zip tie issue to printing the PRUSA logo was something like 45 minutes.
What I’ve printed so far:
Prusa Logo:
I believe those are some signs of over extrusion on the top layer:
Layer shift because of Stealth mode. The rest looks really good.
Look phenomenal. There are some artifacts on the outer ring. Not sure what causes those
And since then, my printer has been working wonderfully. I’ve noticed two issues, but they’ve been mentioned already in the forums:
The PSU click concerns me a little, but the layer shift is not a huge deal. Normal mode is still really quiet.
In summary:
For builders:
For everyone else:
I'm very happy with this printer. No two ways about it. It feels like you really only find forum posts about people who are having issues, but the printers that work well don't get posted about!
I’ll be around the forums, and if I run into issues, I’ll be making new threads to address those. I’m typing this right after starting my first medium length print, so we’ll see how it goes!