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[Closed] Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100  

Stránka 4 / 5
Member Moderator
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

As far as the silicone sock goes, E3D states that at 300 C the socks see no degradation but if run up to 400 C you will see reduced life of the sock.

I haven't found this information anywhere on their site. This is the quote straight from the E3D Copper Heatblock/Nozzle section..

In addition to high temperature performance these blocks have an advanced nickel based plating, this plating considerably reduces the adhesion of plastic to the nozzle. This is great for everyday filaments keeping things clean and shiny, but is particularly important at temperatures above 300C where a silicone sock can't be used. - See more at:

Napsal : 02/02/2017 7:41 pm
Eminent Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

As far as the silicone sock goes, E3D states that at 300 C the socks see no degradation but if run up to 400 C you will see reduced life of the sock.

I haven't found this information anywhere on their site. This is the quote straight from the E3D Copper Heatblock/Nozzle section..

In addition to high temperature performance these blocks have an advanced nickel based plating, this plating considerably reduces the adhesion of plastic to the nozzle. This is great for everyday filaments keeping things clean and shiny, but is particularly important at temperatures above 300C where a silicone sock can't be used. - See more at:

Hello, I'll post the link..... it's under torture testing...I'll cite it as well under my previous post.....enjoy

Napsal : 02/02/2017 8:46 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

Now that 3.0.11 supports the PT100 natively. What changes do I need to do besides plug it all in and run a PID tune? I got the connection/pin graphic from the first page of this thread.

Napsal : 05/06/2017 10:17 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

just to make it clear:
the firmware is prepared for the PT100 temperature sensor, so you can compile it easily with a Configuration_prusa.h and uncommenting the required configuration.

but the precompiled firmware, that you can download from the prusa site, will still be designed for the standard temperature sensor and will not work properly with a pt100.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 05/06/2017 10:45 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

just to make it clear:
the firmware is prepared for the PT100 temperature sensor, so you can compile it easily with a Configuration_prusa.h and uncommenting the required configuration.

but the precompiled firmware, that you can download from the prusa site, will still be designed for the standard temperature sensor and will not work properly with a pt100.

Thanks. I was actually going through firmware after posting this. As for the uncomment, I found it in the variants folder. I just need to remove the "//" form the extruder with amp one since thats what I have correct? I shouldn't need to do it anywhere else?

**Found in the 13.a variants folder -
// Uncomment the below for the E3D PT100 temperature sensor (with or without PT100 Amplifier)
//#define E3D_PT100_EXTRUDER_NO_AMP
//#define E3D_PT100_BED_WITH_AMP
//#define E3D_PT100_BED_NO_AMP

EDIT - Forgot this is in the normal configuration_ h you mentioned. I have been using variants lately and thats just my normal mindset now 😆

Napsal : 05/06/2017 11:03 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

.... I just need to remove the "//" form the extruder with amp one since thats what I have correct? I shouldn't need to do it anywhere else?...
yes, so you define a variable like define E3D_PT100_EXTRUDER_NO_AMP and this definition is used to set the correct thermistor type, the max. hotend temperature and a set of appropriate Kp, Ki and Kd values (which will be overwritten with "measured" values after you've made a proper PID tuning).
without such a definition, you would have to change the parameters at several positions inside the firmware files.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 05/06/2017 11:46 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

.... I just need to remove the "//" form the extruder with amp one since thats what I have correct? I shouldn't need to do it anywhere else?...
yes, so you define a variable like define E3D_PT100_EXTRUDER_NO_AMP and this definition is used to set the correct thermistor type, the max. hotend temperature and a set of appropriate Kp, Ki and Kd values (which will be overwritten with "measured" values after you've made a proper PID tuning).
without such a definition, you would have to change the parameters at several positions inside the firmware files.

You keep the # though correct? Everything else I see still has the # in front of it.

Napsal : 06/06/2017 12:21 am
Member Moderator
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

You keep the # though correct? Everything else I see still has the # in front of it.


dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 06/06/2017 11:16 am
Estimable Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

So I got this all set up and it works flawlessly! Extruder temp never fluctuates more then 0.1 degrees although I also updated to copper block at same time.

Has anyone added amplifier to heatbed as well? I know the biggest issue is getting power supply. I already used the one spot on the rambo board that would be used for multiextruder kit. I currently have octoprint running my printer using raspberry pi. Would it be possible to have power supply from raspberry pi pins and just have signal wire goto rambo? Obviously both would need to be on and running.

Unless there is another way to easily split/add 5v pins to board?

Napsal : 08/06/2017 7:59 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

what exactly are you asking for ?
are you looking for +5V to power up your raspberry pi from one of the +5V pins at the rambo:
➡ i won't recommend this ! the raspberry draws nearly 1 amp (up to 850mA with active WLAN module) of current, even if the voltage regulator at the rambo could deal with the additional current, it will influence the +5V voltage accuracy by some +/- 50 mV and this will influence the sensitivity of the p.i.n.d.a. probe as well ! so you can't rely at the trigger height of the probe any more.

or are you asking for power supply for a heatbed amplifier ? that's a complete other dimension and would require an additional power supply.

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 08/06/2017 8:28 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

I'm looking to find power supply for the amplifier boards.

As of now, I am using the 5v supply that the multilateral upgrade kit uses as far as I'm aware. So in the future, If I wanted to upgrade to the MM kit, I wouldn't be able to use the amplifier board. The raspberry pi has 2 5v pins I believe and was wondering if those could supply the power needed but it looks like you're saying it could not.

Is there other alternatives to providing power to these amplifier boards, especially if I wanted to have one for both the extruder and bed?

Napsal : 08/06/2017 9:37 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

sorry, but i'm not common with these kind of amplifiers.... do you have a link where the hardware is explained ?

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 08/06/2017 9:43 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

Napsal : 08/06/2017 10:07 pm
Member Moderator
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

➡ ok, so this is only a device that reads the PT100 directly and converts the "measurement" into a voltage which could then be easier read by an analog port at the mega2560 processor.

the device does not amplify the heating of the hotend and won't amplify any heating of the printbed !
how quick and how hot the hotend and the heatbed can get is simply determined by the power they get from the psu.

the thing with the PT100 is that it has a resistance of 194,10 Ohm @ 250°C and 212,05 Ohm @ 300°C, so measuring the PT100 in the same way a standard thermistor is measured, might deliver some inaccuracy due to "noise" while measuring. this might be reduced using such an "amplifier".
but as you can see from the configuration_prusa.h, the temperature range that is "enabled" when using the PT100 with or without amp is the same.
so if the prusa is able to measure the temperature of the PT100 accurate without such a device, there is no need for it.

and by the way, that tiny little "amplifier" or lets better say: PT100 resistance curve converter, doesn't need much power... you can savely power them with any supply voltage that you can get from the x/y/z endstop pins...

dem inscheniör is' nix zu schwör...

Napsal : 08/06/2017 11:16 pm
Active Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

I'm using the Arduino 1.8.4 IDE on a Mac Pro, I've attempted to install the Arduino addon several times without success. The Arduino Preferences dialog, in the settings tab, seems to require a URL for board addons. Consequently, I attempted to use the Github URL , but no joy.

I also attempted to use a local URL pointing to the Arduino_1.x.x folder (file///path to Arduino_1.x.x folder [/i]), but that didn't bring up a new board named "...rambo" either.

If someone could enlighten me, as to how to install this addon, I'd appreciate it.

Napsal : 24/09/2017 11:53 pm
Antient Member Moderator
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

If someone could enlighten me, as to how to install this addon, I'd appreciate it.

File/Preferences/Settings/Additional Boards Manager: https:// master/package_ultimachine_index.json

Note I have included a couple of spaces so the link displays fully.


Please note: I do not have any affiliation with Prusa Research. Any advices given are offered in good faith. It is your responsibility to ensure that by following my advice you do not suffer or cause injury, damage…

Napsal : 25/09/2017 9:42 am
Active Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

Hi Peter,

Thanks for the corrected link. The link you provided gave me two additional options in the Boards Manager: "RAMBo" and "RAMBo AVR Boards".

I attempted an upload with the RAMBo board option, but I'm receiving an "avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout" message. The "RAMBo AVR Boards" option is listed in the Boards Manager, but it's inactive.

My question is, am I selecting the correct board "RAMBo", or should I be utilizing the "RAMBo AVR Boards" option? if the "RAMBo AVR Boards" option is the correct one, what needs to be done to activate it?

Thanks, Scott

Napsal : 25/09/2017 10:19 pm
Active Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

In clarification, for those that might be experiencing a similar issue; the Rambo board option is the correct one.

In reference to the "avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout" message, that I received. After multiple attempts, using different USB cables and ports, the problem was resolved by simply powering up the printer during the upload.

I erroneously assumed that the upload would work with the printer off, but that wasn't the case, in this instance. I do believe that when I initially upgraded the stock firmware, I was able to do so with the printer turned off. Consequently, turning the printer on, was a last ditch effort.

Hopefully, this information will be helpful to someone else.

Best of luck!

Napsal : 28/09/2017 3:04 am
Active Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

In regard to the PT100 heater block and its tolerance to temperature, E3D's website states: "The standard heater block is aluminium, which has a melting point of 660º C. The block will be fine at 400º C".

If you require additional surety and faster, more efficient, heat transfer, the plated copper heater block has a "...high-temperature copper alloy with a softening point above 500°C - well beyond what any 3D printer needs..."

Consequently, either of these heater blocks should function well at or below 400º C.

Napsal : 28/09/2017 8:33 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Mini-Rambo 1.3 and e3d with PT100

➡ ok, so this is only a device that reads the PT100 directly and converts the "measurement" into a voltage which could then be easier read by an analog port at the mega2560 processor.

the device does not amplify the heating of the hotend and won't amplify any heating of the printbed !
how quick and how hot the hotend and the heatbed can get is simply determined by the power they get from the psu.

the thing with the PT100 is that it has a resistance of 194,10 Ohm @ 250°C and 212,05 Ohm @ 300°C, so measuring the PT100 in the same way a standard thermistor is measured, might deliver some inaccuracy due to "noise" while measuring. this might be reduced using such an "amplifier".
but as you can see from the configuration_prusa.h, the temperature range that is "enabled" when using the PT100 with or without amp is the same.
so if the prusa is able to measure the temperature of the PT100 accurate without such a device, there is no need for it.

and by the way, that tiny little "amplifier" or lets better say: PT100 resistance curve converter, doesn't need much power... you can savely power them with any supply voltage that you can get from the x/y/z endstop pins...

I was the one that did many hours of testing and coding so the PT100 would be able to be used with Prusa's firmware. The temperature tables for the PT100 without the amplifier are greatly inaccurate. without the amp, the PT100 is only accurate +/- 15 degrees C.

I highly recommend using the PT100 with the amplifier. I have also used the PT100 with the heated bed. I welcome anyone to see how accurate the PT100 with the amplifier is with whatever temperature measurement hardware you desire.

Dimensions PNG

and an 8 inch (200mm) or greater caliper is recommended.

Napsal : 01/10/2017 10:36 am
Stránka 4 / 5