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[Closed] Klipper Firmware Upgrade - micro-controller?  

Active Member
Klipper Firmware Upgrade - micro-controller?

Hey guys,

this upgrade looks very appealing to me and I wanted to give it a try.

However, I cannot get the information about which micro-controller and bautrate for the mk2s to pick.
Can somebody help me out?

By the way, whats your opinion on the topic?

Thanks in advance,


Posted : 29/12/2017 11:16 pm
Estimable Member
Re: Klipper Firmware Upgrade - micro-controller?

Microcontroller is ATMEGA2560
Baud rate for PRUSA's firmware is 115.2K (could possibly go to 256K (but not guaranteed). Let us know how it works out. The concept is interesting, but the devil is always in the details. In any event, you can always flash it back. Good luck!

Posted : 25/01/2018 8:48 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Klipper Firmware Upgrade - micro-controller?

Did you give it a shot? It looks like there's a thread where someone else gave it a try. I'm curious how it works out.

Posted : 28/01/2018 7:36 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Klipper Firmware Upgrade - micro-controller?

Hey guys,

never saw the reply, so I didn't test it yet.

When my printer would not be printing the first part pf the master spool for 8,5 hours allready, I'd give it a try right now. Hope to get to it tomorrow and let you know the results.

Thanks to devdoc for the information!


Posted : 17/03/2018 11:42 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Klipper Firmware Upgrade - micro-controller?

Short update

So after following this guide, I completly messed up my octopi as well as my prusa itselfe, which just showed two bars on the screen and was not able to react to any input at the end. I now had to re-setup both the printer and the octoprint keepting me bussy for hours now.

So not really to recommend from my side so far. Just sent an message to Thomas Sanladerer asking him for his opinion on this project connected to the prusa mk2 and suggested to make an in depth tutorial if it shows any potential.

Good night!

Posted : 06/04/2018 12:40 am