Weird Print issue ( corner looks like its not printing enough filament)
First off thank you for even looking at this Im kinda lost on what else to try, My prints getting a little better but not sure what else i can change
- Lowered extrusion from 1.0 to .95 to .9
- Dried filament (using ASA for a voron build )
I attached a photo from the first print on the left to my last print on the right
RE: Weird Print issue ( corner looks like its not printing enough filament)
mh. Could you zip and post your m3f so we can see your slicer settings? It's basically impossible to diagnose with just the material and the extrusion factor...
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RE: Weird Print issue ( corner looks like its not printing enough filament)
@robin thank you!
RE: Weird Print issue ( corner looks like its not printing enough filament)
What's the first layer look like? I'm seeing what could be globbing - which might mean the first layer was too low
RE: Weird Print issue ( corner looks like its not printing enough filament)
Looks like you need more cooling.
The Filament Whisperer
RE: Weird Print issue ( corner looks like its not printing enough filament)
Your parameters look ok. I don‘t have much experience with ASA/ABS on the MK3, I print it a lot on my old A8 and it works just fine. I would try to lower the temperature (may be print a temp tower first to see how low you can go), like Swiss-cheese said, perhaps a little „always on“ cooling (if it starts warping, dial it down again, my best results normally are at 15% cooling and the lowest possible print temerature), if it‘s still having trouble at the corners, try to dial down the print speed. Last but not least, increase the perimeters to at least 3.
If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you.
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RE: Weird Print issue ( corner looks like its not printing enough filament)
Got it working i opened the enclosure and it started printing fine. Always thought the enclosure was necessary for ASA
RE: Weird Print issue ( corner looks like its not printing enough filament)
It's all about temperature.
Glad you got it sorted.
The Filament Whisperer