Vinyl 303 - textured or smooth sheet
Hi all,
while hunting for a black filament that would print a thin object with a certain elasticity I ordered pretty much every weird black filament I could find (delivery times to NZ are sometimes epic and I didn't want to have to wait for weeks after each failed test). Now I am sitting on said treasure chest of unusual filaments.
To avoid the same near sheet killing experience I had with the PC-blend, I thought I might ask first and print later this time 😉
Has anybody any experience with the Fillamentum Vinyl 303? I couldn't find a profile for the stuff nor anything else on the web. The most important question to start with is of course which sheet to use. The rest is then mostly try and error with standard settings and the temperatures as stated by the manufacturer. And I can live with that.
As always, thanks in advance for everybody's time and ideas.
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Thanks Chuck,
from the brevity of your statement I dare to conclude that it worked fine;)