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Under Extrusion Along Seam  

Active Member
Under Extrusion Along Seam

I'm having some issues with under extrusion along the seam of a specific print. I have tried all the different seam options and the ones that are the worst are aligned and rear. I think it has to do with retraction, but I have messed with that a bunch with no real improvement.

The issue only occurs in the same layers as support material. Could this be due to bad support settings?

I'm out of ideas and could use some guidance as to which direction I should go next.

Prusa Slicer 2.3, PETG, 235C, 04mm nozzle, 40mm/s travel, 2mm retraction at 70mm/s.


Best Answer by Swiss_Cheese:

ok , for starters your using a pre release 2.3, so it could have problems, however I think your real problem was that you had (Detect thin walls) ticked, this setting can cause strange outcomes. sometimes it will work and other times it will remove areas that you hoped it would make printable. in this case I'm suspecting it's causing an issue with the support material in the area in question. try turning it off, I don't see a reason it's needed for this print, and maybe do a slice of that area with the support and see how it prints.

Posted : 05/01/2021 7:01 pm
Noble Member
RE: Under Extrusion Along Seam

I'm going to suggest taking a look at the model, you may have some bad or open areas in the model itself. possible overlapping polygons and open edges.

The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 05/01/2021 10:39 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Under Extrusion Along Seam


Nope It's completely solid. Zero errors on import.

I guess I didn't give enough detail. The First and Second pictures are with seam at Rear. Picture 3 is seam Aligned. With aligned seam there are no voids at the back, they're on the edge. The voids follow where the seam is. If I have seam at rear and rotate the model 90 degrees the voids are still at the seam.

Posted : 05/01/2021 10:49 pm
Noble Member
RE: Under Extrusion Along Seam

if your willing to save it as a .3MF and zip it up I'm willing to take a look and see If i can help

The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 06/01/2021 2:22 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Under Extrusion Along Seam

Let me know what you think. Thanks.


Posted : 06/01/2021 2:45 am
Noble Member
RE: Under Extrusion Along Seam

ok , for starters your using a pre release 2.3, so it could have problems, however I think your real problem was that you had (Detect thin walls) ticked, this setting can cause strange outcomes. sometimes it will work and other times it will remove areas that you hoped it would make printable. in this case I'm suspecting it's causing an issue with the support material in the area in question. try turning it off, I don't see a reason it's needed for this print, and maybe do a slice of that area with the support and see how it prints.

The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 06/01/2021 3:07 am
bobstro liked
Noble Member
RE: Under Extrusion Along Seam

oh I forgot to mention you will notice in slicer if you turn on retraction's and detraction's so you can view them, that the offending areas have a lot of both in the same place, after you turn off Detect thin walls they clear up.

I really hate that I can't edit my posts here.

The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 06/01/2021 3:21 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Under Extrusion Along Seam

I've been having these issues well before 2.3 I was hoping 2.3 would clear them up.

Detect thin walls makes a lot of sense. I had that turned on for some previous prints with my MMU2 that had really small details I needed it to print.

I turned on view retraction and detraction and I see what you mean. Turning off detect thin walls really has cleared it up. I'm going to give that a try and see how it turns out.

Posted : 06/01/2021 3:51 am
Noble Member
RE: Under Extrusion Along Seam

I hope that's all it is, I'll be interested to know how it turns out.


The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 06/01/2021 3:54 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Under Extrusion Along Seam

Just got it off the printer and it's perfect. Turning off "Detect Thin Walls" was the solution.

Print looks fantastic. Thanks for the Help.

Posted : 06/01/2021 5:11 pm
Noble Member
RE: Under Extrusion Along Seam

your welcome

The Filament Whisperer

Posted : 07/01/2021 7:01 am
Active Member
RE: Under Extrusion Along Seam

FYI - had the same issues, switched to "Classic" perimeter generator from "Arachne" & resolved

Posted : 06/02/2025 3:32 am