Unable to print with PETG
Hi, I'm having issue with printing with petg filament, I'm using the default setting on Slic3r PE for generic PETG on PEI and every time with the same results: first layer and second layer is perfect but when it started printing infills its all mess up, printing PLA is no issue, I'll include a photo of the result.
BTW I slicing it on S3D and its better but some time faces the same problem.
Re: Unable to print with PETG
There are many threads just recently on PETG issues. Many good suggestions. Check them out.
Re: Unable to print with PETG
By the look of that the first layer z height is too hight for a start.
Re: Unable to print with PETG
Work on a first layer calibration print first with PETG, get this right and the rest is much better.
Have you done a temperature calibration on the PINDA yet, since the increased temperatures cause the PINDA to report a different height to PLA settings.
Also in Printer settings in Slic3r put in an offset of about 0.025 to start with, but you may need to adjust this a little depending on your PETG brand and temperatures and extrusion rates.
Until your first layer is good, you run the risk that nothing more will print successfully.
It is really worth spending the time with PETG, because when you have it right, it works really well, and keep the original default settings from PRUSA as they are, but make a change and save it to a new profile including the brand and colour of the filament you are using, because even different colours print differently, then you really want to do temperature towers and stringing tests until you get acceptable results.
I'm still surprised that there is not a forum page devoted just to successful printer / filament settings by users where we can compare settings / borrow etc.
Normal people believe that if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Engineers believe that if it ain’t broke, it doesn’t have enough features yet.