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Trouble to print with PLA  

Active Member
Trouble to print with PLA

Hi everyone, I'm a newbi of 3D printing and since the beginning of my experience with my MK3 I3 with powder coted bed and using the filament provided with the 3D printer I'm having issues with some prints.
First of all I already followed all the guidelines to keep clean the printing surface cleaning first with warm water and wit a sponge and a drop of dish soap to remove all traces of grease on the plate, before every print clean with alcohol the sheet and also I tried once (i know that could be damaging the powder coted bed if used regularly) acetone.
My main issue is in the case of the bentchy at the 83-85% of the print seems that the nozzle hit the first/second layer of the roof of the bentchy and detouch the print from the bed. I used the standard parameters for PLA and the G-code was already in the SD card with the 3D printer (I didn't modify the file in any ways)

I thought was just a problem of the bentchy but actually occur the same problem with another print, in this case i downloaded the STL file and using Slic3r I converted in G-code using 20% of infill and the same around 88-90% of the end of the print, the nozzle seems that hit a preavious layer and detouch the print from the bed...

And this is the link of the STL file that I downloaded just if you are curious to see how was the model done
The model wasn't scale but kept at the size of STL file (around 9cm tall) and I left the default parameters for PLA
Thanks in advance for the help

Posted : 21/08/2018 3:34 pm
Reputable Member
Re: Trouble to print with PLA

Hi Giuseppe,

Your photos didn't come through. Instead of using the Img tool at the top of the message editor, try using the Attachments tab below the editor to Add Image Files and place them inline where the cursor is. 😉

That's "MISTER Old Fart" to you!

Posted : 21/08/2018 4:21 pm
Trusted Member
Re: Trouble to print with PLA

I can't see your pictures, but based on your description, please check your Live Z adjustment. If the print falls over it is because it doesn't have strong enough adhesion. This is usually caused by either cleaning of Live Z. It sounds like you have clean the plate well, so please check Live Z.

Posted : 22/08/2018 8:27 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble to print with PLA

Hi Rufus thanks for your help! Like I said I'm a noob... It's hard to say when it's right the live adjust z... I also bought a magnifying lense but still it's hard to say when it's right... I believe it's pretty close... 0.98
Just a quick question how I can post pictures? I used my Google drive account and I obtained the link to share... With a right click I can open it but I believe because I posted... Do you use another system? Thank you again for your help and wait for further suggestions especially for the pictures 😆

Posted : 25/08/2018 6:29 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble to print with PLA

Oh crap I confuse the people 😆
Well I try to attach the pictures now 😆

I edit theorist because I lost connectivity and I couldn't upload the last 2 pictures

Posted : 25/08/2018 6:41 pm
Bad Raven
Eminent Member
Re: Trouble to print with PLA

Pick a third model simpler, like a cube, higher than the Benchy.

Do ALL model types fail at the same level above bed? (The two types so far seem to but diff to tell with no measure)

If so, you are looking for an issue at that extruder level in "Z".

Move the printer with it off to that level, put the models back on the bed as a measure. Is there anything visible in gear/thread/runners? Does the Extruder rise above the failure level without resistance?

Posted : 25/08/2018 8:38 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble to print with PLA

Hi Dave! Well first of all thank you for the reply, ok first with the questions, all the bentchy failed at the same exact high (not really spot) the figure failed at the top (the total length of the model it's 9cm) around 8cm above the hot bed so I would exclude the problem with the axes.
The threads and the linear bars looks ok except for a little bit of dust, but I will take care of that as soon as I print something else, I also printed other objects, like a stand phone, the whistle, and a peg with a shape of a shark and none of them gived to me any troubles and all of them has different type of heights.

Posted : 25/08/2018 9:03 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
Re: Trouble to print with PLA

I had troubles with the connection so I'm really editing the posts...

Posted : 25/08/2018 9:08 pm