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TPU increasing the surface finish  

Trusted Member
TPU increasing the surface finish

Hi there,

It took my quite some time to get there ... I am fascinated what you can do. Print speed 100%! with values for generic FLEX from Prusa, 0,4mm nozzle, layer high 0,2mm, bottom layer 5 and top layer 7 – standard values. 2 layer skin, 5% Filling makes it very soft - 30% harder and so on. The 1,75mm material sticks together being on the filament roll, what I do I "unload" the material and roll it up again to make sure it does not stick and can get pulled into the nozzle easily/smoothly. Printing too hot gives a very rough surface finish. My supplier suggests  190-230 degrees. I used 210 degrees and had a very nice shiny surface. I printed 8 hours no problem. But the 2nd run and more runs gave it that bad finish as on the picture. I have tried to clean the nozzle with printing PLA between - it does not help. Any idea what could be the reason? Maybe I should go for more expensive material?

thanks a lot



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Posted : 08/08/2022 8:03 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: TPU increasing the surface finish

Hard to tell from the picture because all I see is black 🙂 but TPU is very hygroscopic and—in my hands—printing without drying always leads to rough prints. I usually print directly from the dry box, and for an 8 hour print I would definitely do that.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 08/08/2022 10:38 pm