This is the easiest way to print gears ever
Just found this for anyone who needs to create gears, it will even export as a ready made .stl for importing into slicer, and best of all, it,s free. 😀
I was trying to show someone how to import a .dxf into designspark and found this whilst looking for an example .dxf drawing of a gear.
Here is the link.
Instant gears 😉
Normal people believe that if it is not broke, do not fix it. Engineers believe that if it is not broke, it does not have enough features yet.
Re: This is the easiest way to print gears ever
Windows only unfortunately 🙁 I'd be interested in a cross platform system that's more friendly and convenient than OpenSCAD, if anyone else has recommendations.
Re: This is the easiest way to print gears ever
Windows only unfortunately 🙁 I'd be interested in a cross platform system that's more friendly and convenient than OpenSCAD, if anyone else has recommendations.
Re: This is the easiest way to print gears ever
I haven't played with it yet, but there is a gear workbench for FreeCAD, installable in the Addon manager as "FCGears". Here is the github repository for the plugin for reference:
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