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Supporting Unrelated Tall Parts  

Active Member
Supporting Unrelated Tall Parts

I have two parts that are relatively tall.  I would like to connect them somehow to keep them from wobbling as the height increases.  Is there a way to create a removable bridge between the two parts in PrusaSlicer?

Posted : 21/04/2020 12:08 pm
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: Supporting Unrelated Tall Parts

A picture of your model would give you better advice.

There are programs that can make supports, cura  and one not slicer program(meshmixer), search for this one.

In prusaslicer i do , a big brim attach  to model, with 6 or 8 layers, so it will stick better to bed, and clean the bed with dish soap, so model will stick the best, not with alcohol.

You could make a support in tinkercad, and import to prusa slicer, and move it against your model.


This post was modified 5 years ago by Peter M
Posted : 21/04/2020 3:09 pm