Strange triangle that is messing up my print - How do I fix this??
Trying to print the Catan storage box
I'm getting a really weird thing showing up in the slicer after I slice and it caused a failed print last night about half way in.
I load the 3mf file, set the skirt height to 0 and slice. Once it slices I have this weird triangle which I circled in red.
RE: Strange triangle that is messing up my print - How do I fix this??
Using Prusa Slicer 2.2.0 with the latest Prusa firmware on an MK3s with MMU2s.
RE: Strange triangle that is messing up my print - How do I fix this??
looks like a broken model to me. If on windows 10 right click the model and select the fix through netfabb option. If not on windows then you can use the online netfabb fixing website.
If you want to post your saved project .3mf file (zipped up for the forum to accept it) we can give a more informed debug.
RE: Strange triangle that is messing up my print - How do I fix this??
The 3mf file is in the link I posted to the print itself. It is also on Thingiverse and others have printed it fine. I'm familiar with Netfabb but I'm not seeing any errors to be fixed when loading the 3mf file.
RE: Strange triangle that is messing up my print - How do I fix this??
Here is the 3mf from the person that created it.
RE: Strange triangle that is messing up my print - How do I fix this??
I commented on the thing from the link above but in short the model is not great, has lots of issues. However if you are on windows 10 you can use the fix through netfabb option (right click the model) and it seems to then slice normally. You arent the only one having trouble as someone else posted in the Prusa SLicer forum with the exact same issue you have.