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stops extruding  

Delboy Booth
New Member
stops extruding

Hello, need some assistance, please. Using known-good and dry filament both pla and pet. Using prusa standard settings esun. My printer was printing perfect and just lately for some reason it prints first layer fine and second layer but once it speeds up and starts to print nothing comes out of the nozzle. It's doing it on all filament. Even changed temp to be hotter no change. Stripped the hotend  and there is no clog. Running latest firmware was doing this before adding mmu and after.. Any suggestions, please?

Posted : 16/02/2021 11:29 am
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: stops extruding

If it clogs, what do you do to clean it?

Give more info if you have?

Spring on extruder, adjust this like in the manual.

Move extrude to high position,

heat up nozzle, and extrude,

look if it is thick enough,  could be a partial clog.

Print a standard cube , and look if this works.

Posted : 16/02/2021 12:17 pm
Delboy Booth
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: stops extruding


so when it stops extruding I increase the temperature and using the settings to extrude which it does nice and uniformed.

The first time it did this was on a PETG print for the V2 Enclosure using Prusa pre-made files it printed halfway through then "clogged"  since then I can not print anything other than a first layer which comes out perfect every time.

There is no clog within the PTFE tubing the heat break or anywhere else I can see. I have done hot and cold pulls as stated a full disassembly. This seems to happen when retraction starts as it the retraction is messing it up yet settings are different on 2 different filament types do cant say its a setting issue. The printer is only a few months old. I can not print a standard cube as i can not get past the first layer on ANYTHING I slice and print tension is making no diffrence.

Posted : 16/02/2021 12:24 pm
Delboy Booth
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: stops extruding

Posted : 17/02/2021 7:41 am
Peter M
Noble Member
RE: stops extruding

Move extrude to high position,

heat up nozzle, and extrude,

look if it is thick enough, could be a partial clog.

??? Does this work for longer time?

Change nozzle if you are not sure about a clogd nozzle.

Make a first layer and make a picture for the forum to see if this is not to low,

print a few square for first layer and start to high and lower the first layer calibration to see what is the best.

Clean bed with dish soap, use hot water and use a lot of water.

Posted : 17/02/2021 12:27 pm