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Soft / Flexible PLA Bed Prep  

New Member
Soft / Flexible PLA Bed Prep

I want to print using some "soft" pla filament. I have a MK3S double sided smooth PEI surface. Some say you should not print soft PLA on smooth PEI?. Any experience or recommendations on surface prep or a release agent?


Posted : 07/11/2022 8:41 pm
Famed Member
RE: Soft / Flexible PLA Bed Prep

I haven't used it but if it's anything like TPU, I strongly suggest using a thin layer of Layerneer, Magigoo, etc, or even glue stick, as a separating agent to facilitate removal from the print bed. 

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 08/11/2022 5:51 pm